DAY346 [渡英321日] 2021年3月12日(金):銀行の残高証明書依頼書と委任状作成,科研費の交付申請書作成
朝から銀行の英文残高証明書の発行手続きを行う。(1)申請書のほか,(2)委任状をUFJのサイトから確認して必要な情報を網羅して文書を作成する。あわせて代理人の父親に申請してもらうために,(3)戸籍謄本の写しを同封して郵便局に向かう。郵便局ではなるべく早く届くようにしたい,と聞いたところ,4日後に到着すると言われたものの,£52かかるとのこと。確かに特急だと思うが,そこまでお金をかけてもしょうがないので,通常のRoyal mailでtrace機能を付けて終了。
■委任状はUFJ銀行に個人情報の情報開示に関する委任状があったので,これwベースに作り替えて作成 →
In the morning, I went through the procedures for issuing a bank balance certificate in English. In addition to (1) the application form, I made (2) a power of attorney using the UFJ bank's website and prepared a document with all the necessary information. In addition to the application form, I also enclosed (3) a copy of my family register for my father to apply for the certificate and headed for the post office. When I asked the post office if they could deliver it as soon as possible, they told me that it would arrive in four days, but it would cost £52. I thought it was an express mail service, but I didn't want to spend that much money, so I used regular Royal mail with the trace function.
After buying lunch at Branca, I spent the afternoon preparing documents for the Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research application. Every year in March, I'm overwhelmed with paperwork, and I wonder if we can't do something about the paper culture.
Tomorrow is the research seminar of the Japan Society of Human Resource Management, and it's the weekend, so school is off, and I wonder when I'll be able to file my tax return...