HRM(人的資源管理)研究者の Oxford 滞在記(2020-2022)


DAY320 [渡英295日] 2021年2月14日(日): 賃貸の契約更新,水道管の凍結と錆



 午前中に家族でBrancaに買い物に行って昼食を調達。帰り道,道路から溢れているのを目撃する。水道会社も凍結による水道管の破裂を警告しており,もしかしたら水道管が破裂しているのかもしれない。息子が帰宅後,近所の子供が誕生日なので,予め息子が作成したプレゼントを渡しに行く。今日も午後から昨日に引き続き,息子の親友と遊ぶことになり,今回は妻だけが行くことになった。その間に私は部屋の片づけと査読対応。相手のお父さんがthe anchorに行って息子に飲み物(ベビチーノ:=カプチーノーコーヒー=蒸しミルク)を買い与えてくれたが,息子は中身を知らずに「yes」と言ってしまい,いざベビチーノを飲むを一口で嫌な顔をして飲まなかった模様。結局,妻が残りを飲むという事態になったようだ。






 I woke up at 5:00 am and upload the blog. I confirmed the tenancy agreement in the morning. Last year I prepaid the total amount (in the sense of gaining trust) because I don't have a bank account in the UK, but now that I have a bank account in the UK, I emailed the agency to change into quarterly payment.

 Also, we went to Branca to go shopping and bought lunch. On the way home, we found water leaking under the road. Water companies have also warned of water pipes' rupture due to freezing, and maybe the water pipes are ruptured. After my son came home, my neighbour's child was on her birthday, so he went to give the present that my son made in advance. Then my son played with my son's best friend, this time only my wife went there. In the meantime, I cleaned up the room and responded to peer review.

 In the evening, the water in the bath for my son turned yellow. Judging from the water pipe's rupture in the daytime, when the frozen water inside the water pipe melts, the rust inside may also be removed and output. However, the hot water supply in this house is set to be stored in the tank twice a day, so only water will come out if you use too much hot water.