HRM(人的資源管理)研究者の Oxford 滞在記(2020-2022)


DAY278 [渡英254日] 2021年1月3日(日):セミナーの資料作り,Port Meadow

 午後は,息子のアップルジュースが切れそうなので,Jerichoに買い出しに行く。Tier4にもかかわらずPort Medowに至る道は人通りが多いが,これまで以上にマスクをしている人の割合が増えたように思える。

 Brancaでサラダとニョッキのラザニアを購入して,Port Meadowを散歩。先日同様に水量が多く,川を渡るような箇所もあり,靴が濡れてしまうが,長靴の妻と息子は易々とクリア。ブーツが必要かもしれない。


Port meadow in winter@Oxford. It was so muddy.


Port meadow in winter@Oxford in the evening? before 16:00



port meadow. 息子が触ることを許してくれた馬。

 I got up at 5:00 and updated my blog and made documents. After that, in the morning, while Babysitter was taking care of my son, I made slides for the seminar and made the second draft of the column. Since the contents of these two are related, synergies can be expected.

     In the afternoon, my son's apple juice was about to run out, so we went to Jericho for shopping. Despite Tier 4, the road to Port Meadow is busy, but it seems that the percentage of people wearing masks has increased more than ever. Bought salad and gnocchi lasagna at Branca and took a walk in Port Meadow. As with the other day, there was a lot of water, and there were places where I crossed the river, and my shoes got wet, but my wife and son in boots easily cleared.  I wonder I should buy boots.