HRM(人的資源管理)研究者の Oxford 滞在記(2020-2022)


DAY347 [渡英322日] 2021年3月13日(土):日本労務学会定性分析セミナー,野武士のグルメ, The Anchor


 午後,息子と割りばし鉄砲でレゴの人形を倒して遊び,家の前でテニスをしたところ息子はお昼寝。今週から学校が再開されたから疲れているのだろう。夕食は,またしてもThe Anchorにて Pork Bunを注文。店頭で豚の丸焼きをしてその肉をそぎ落としてバンズの間に挟むポークバーガー(£12)。バーベキューソースとアップルソースの両方が選べるが,もう少しバンズを温めて欲しいのと,具材を入れて欲しかった。付け合わせはフレンチポテトとコールスロー。


The AnchorのPork Bun

 Today I took a qualitative research seminar by the Japan Society of Human Resource Management, so I got up at 4:30 am. However, there was another important event; thinking of my article, I decided to attend this seminar. The lecturer was Assistant Professor Uesaka (Center for Mathematical Modeling and Data Science, Osaka University Japan). This lecture consisted of a theoretical part and a practical part, so it was beneficial. I could clarify and sort my knowledge out.
 Also, since I wanted to know some part of the problem so I can progress my treatise. Thank you for teaching me, professor Uesaka.
Recently, we watched Samurai Gourmet on Netflix. This programme is that Mr Kasumi(Naoto Takena), who retired from the company, ate many places living daily. This is a dazzling program for those of us who are starving for Japanese food. Recently, I wanted to eat Korean food. When I think about it, I don't see much of it in the UK (Oxford).
 In the afternoon, I played with my son, knocking over Lego dolls with a gun made of chopsticks, and played tennis in front of the house. He must be tired because primary school has resumed this week.