HRM(人的資源管理)研究者の Oxford 滞在記(2020-2022)


DAY292 [渡英268日] 2021年1月17日(日):Oxford University Park, 『Harry Potterと死の秘宝 Part2』(4回目)

 午前中にOxford University Parkに行く。天候に恵まれて散歩にはもってこい。お昼を挟むことから行く途中でBrancaに立ち寄り,お昼を食べることを想定してバケットサンドを購入。いざParkに着くとかなりの人手のため,食事は自宅で摂ることにして,カモや白鳥に餌をあげる。途中一羽の白鳥が威嚇してきたが,無事に餌をあげることができた。往復9000歩ほど歩き,自宅で昼食。

 休憩がてら息子の希望により『Harry Potterと死の秘宝 Part2』を鑑賞。さすがに4回目なので飽きてきた。でも観るたびに19年後の話を見たくなる。それにしても息子は元気だ。


Oxford University Park

 In the morning, we went to Oxford University Park. It was such a sunny day to go for a walk. We walked during the noon, so we bought the bucket sandwich at Branca on the way.
 However, when we arrived at the park, there were so many people in the park, so we gave up having lunch in the park and fed the ducks, goose, and swans. Though one of the swans intimidated us, we fed them. It took about 9000 walks from home about the round trip.

 After lunch with resting, we watched Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2, this is the fourth times, I was tired of watching it. But I wanted to read the after story about it. Anyway, my son is so active.