DAY287 [渡英263日] 2021年1月12日(火):オンライン授業の功罪を考える,息子の先生との面談
夕方からparent meeting。学校の先生とteamsを使って会話。息子は先生の言っていることは理解している模様で,やはり数字に強いようだ。後は語彙力がまだ低いので少しずつ磨いていく必要があるとのこと。半分以上は聞き取れていたと思う。語学力は一応上がっているのであろうか?
Thinking about the pros and cons of the online lecture seeing Mr Sou blog.
Though Mr Sou had written the pros and cons of the free lecture on Youtube, it was the same as the university's online lecture, I felt.
About the online lecture, we mainly discussed from the view of students like a wifi situation, how to take the exam, and how to do a group discussion, et al. However, from the view of the teachers, we may be able to imagine the merit such as having a lecture from home, easy to contact to students. But, thinking in the long run, the risk of leaking the lecture technique, and decreasing university teachers' value. Ultimately, the online lecture's problem is what the university lecture is?, and What kind of knowledge the university professors transmit?
The situation wrote above was the same as the academic presentation. Recently, some presenter didn't give handouts, so audience took photos without permission. I felt this situation was increased year and year. It is said that consultants attended the academic conference to get useful information to their business.
In the morning, I prepared for uploading the research paper (co-authored), edited the column of the HR department in Japan, sanitizing the foods by the Waitrose, and so on.
After my son went home, we talked about my son's daily news and asked the childminder. One of the kid was a birthday, so he was given the cake. I saw the scene a father carried the cake into the house. But in the COVID-19 situation, it was just dangerous at the risk of infection.
In the evening, we had a meeting with my son's teacher via MS teams. The teacher said that my son understood and was good at maths. But his vocabulary seems to be inferior to other kids. Maybe I understood over half of the contents. Has my English ability improved?