HRM(人的資源管理)研究者の Oxford 滞在記(2020-2022)


DAY288 [渡英264日] 2021年1月13日(水):オンラインセミナー



 セミナーそのものは途中断線はあったものの,総じて回線状態もよかった。また,質問もさすが研究者,鋭い指摘をたくさんいただくと同時に多くのヒントを頂いた。特に個人調査で本来聴取すべきものを企業レベルで尋ねることの是非や1人の回答者をもって使用してよいのかなどコメントを頂いた。あとはコモンメソッドバイアスの問題もクリアせねばならず,その辺の厳格さを磨かないといけないなぁとも思う。(妻以外との)研究トークでテンションがあがった。この辺の議論は昔,Personnal Psyochologyで読んだので読み直さないと(Google scholarで本文リンクがあるのですが,著作権の関係もあるかもしれないので,タイトルのみ)。


Gerhart, B., Wright, P.M., and McMahan, G.C. (2000) “Measurement Error in Research on Human Resources and Firm Performance Relationship: Further Evidence and Analysis,”
Personnel Psychology, Vol.53, pp.855-872.


Gerhart, B., Wright, P. M., McMahan, G. C., and Snell, S. A.(2000) “Measurement Error in Research on Human Resources and Firm Performance: How Much Error Is There
and How Does It Influence Effect Size Estimates? Personnel Psychology, Vol.53, No.4 pp.803-834.


Huselid, M. A., and Becker, B. E. (2000) “Comment on “Measurement Error in Research on Human Resources and Firm Performance: How Much Error is There and How Does It
Influence Effect Size estimates?” by Gerhart, Wright, McMahan, and Snell”, Personnel Psychology, Vol.53, No.4 pp.835-854.






 In the morning, I checked my wife's manuscript and the research paper, uploaded to the website. Then, I had an academic presentation online from 10:00( in Japan started at 19:00). Maybe this is a series of the FD activity in a university, and I had an academic presentation using Webex for the first time.
 I downloaded the app for Webex by my wife's advice. The connection during the seminar was good, and questions from the audience were so sharp and useful. We had especially discussed the research method about using the questionnaires for individuals to the firm level and using a single response as a firm answer. This dataset I had used have to clarify the common method bias, and there so many problems to brush up. But it had much fun to talk with others about research.
 After finishing the seminar, I felt exhausted and burned out. So I played with my son.


 An email from the English conversation class I had enrolled, informed me of the lesson schedule change. However, maybe the staff confused because of this lockdown, there showed the wrong schedule, so I email them to confirm the date.