HRM(人的資源管理)研究者の Oxford 滞在記(2020-2022)


AY301 [渡英277日] 2021年1月26日(火):メールの勘違い,コラムの依頼,社会性と英語学習のトレードオフ



 もう1つ。ふとメールで誤解をしていたのではないか,ということを書く。OUNC(Oxford University Newcomers Club)の方からメールをもらい,日本で幼児教育の経験がある米国人が9月からOxfordに来ているが,子供と接する機会や日本の文化に触れる機会がないので,興味があればつなぐ,という趣旨のメールが来て,その後,本人からメールが日曜日に届いた。その時は当たり障りのない返信をしたものの,妻と話をしていて「これって私たちの子供の面倒をみたい(ティーチングアシスタント)」ということではないのか,と指摘され,今度は妻がメールを出したところ,即レス。やはり今は仕事をしていないからかつてのキャリアが活かせるような仕事をしたいのだということがわかった。

 では,仮に面倒をお願いするとしても,現在のchildminderはどうするか。サポートバブルは一組しか作れないので,基本的にchildminderとnanny・TAの併存はできない。また,このメールをくれた方が平日来てくれるとも限らないし,何よりも私たちの家からちょっと遠いため,(感染のリスクを回避するためには)車の送迎をしないといけないかもしれない。こちらで20時間の研修を受けているものの,東京に住んでいて車の運転経験が少ない我々には致命的な要素。pros and consを検討しないといけないが,大きいのは,社会性 vs 英語学習 だろう。現状のchildminderでは,息子が最年長になるため,語学力の進展は見込まれないが,社会性は身に着けられるし,このstay at homeの中で他の子供と接することができるのは大きい。他方で,今回知り合いになった方は日本で3-6歳児教育を行っており,保育経験,モンテッソーリ式の教育も心得ている。その意味では語学力の向上が見込めるが,息子と1on1になってしまうので社会性は育まれない。COVID-19がなければ元気に学校に行っているはずなので,こんな心配はしなくてもよいのだが…。

 Maybe I was tired; I woke at 4:45 am. I received an email about writing a column, so I consulted with my wife. I decided to receive an offer. Though there existed an uncertainty about VISA, and I didn't have any title in the UK, I live in Oxford and have one year leave to take care of my son, so I can write something about the life in the UK. It would be better to write to them after April. Besides, thinking of VISA and COVID-19, there could not go back to the UK. Anyway, we concluded to have columns after June or July.


 There is another topic about an email, which I misunderstood the meaning. I received an email from OUNC(Oxford University Newcomers Club)memeber and introduced me to an American lady who lived in Japan and experienced teaching for kids. She missed teaching kids and wanted to brush her Japanese language up, so she wants to get along with Japanese people. A few days after, the email from the lady, so I replied to her. However, talking with my wife, I found out that her email meant "she asked us that is there any opportunity to take care of my son, such as a teaching assistant". Then my wife emailed her and came the quick reply. She doesn't have a job in Oxford, so she wanted to some kinds of job which could use her career.

 If we asked her caring for my son, how should I do about the childminder? The government restricted to make a support bubble only one pair so that we couldn't use both. Also, I am not sure she can go to our house on weekdays, and there is a little far from our house, so I need to drive to pick her up and drop her off to refuse the risk of infection riding on the bus. Thinking of the pros and cons that is better for us, the most important things are sociality versus the learning ability for English.

 In the childminder, my son is the oldest of all kids, so maybe he could acquire the sociality and have a good opportunity to play with other kids under the stay at home situation, but, couldn't improve his English fluency. On the other hand, since the woman has rich experience for child education, such as Montessori education, my son will improve his English skill, and not acquire sociality because of teaching 1 on 1.
If there doesn't exist COVID-19, my son goes to primary school, and we need not have these types of trouble.