HRM(人的資源管理)研究者の Oxford 滞在記(2020-2022)


DAY321 [渡英296日] 2021年2月15日(月): 101 Coffee, 友達と遊ぶ,インターネット調査



 昼食後,前から気になっていた101 Coffeeに行く。Walton streetに行くと,必ずといっていいほど注文の列ができるお店で気になっていた。人によっては自分の家からマグカップを持ち寄ってくる人すらいる。写真にあるようにいくつかメニューがあるが,一番上のBatch Filterは売り切れていたため,Mochaを注文。風味もありながらも,少しだけ甘みがあり美味しい。行列になったり,これを買いに車で来るのも分かる。


101 Coffeeのmenu



Walton streetの街並み



 I woke up at 2:30 am and did my job. Although I started to write a referee comment, another editor asked me how long it does take to judge the paper. I wonder to what extent I should comment on this paper by reading so detail, but I thought I should comment on the treatise's main problematic parts. In the morning, I received an email to change how to pay a tenancy, and she asked me to send a document. However, since I didn't understand what kind of documents should, I asked her.

 During this time, my wife checked an internet survey. But she found that all respondents have the same increase in the working year, which means [+1]. Is it possible? Some are also mid-career hires, and others didn't increase the working year[0] because. She asked the engineer whether he controlled something or did cutting extraordinary scores. But he answered "No".

 After lunch, we went to 101 Coffee on Walton street. This coffee shop has a queue whenever I went to Walton Street. Some people brought their cup from home. As I pictured, there was some menu, but Batch Filter shown on the top of the menu was sold out, so I ordered Mocha. There was a good flavour and tasted a little sweet. I understood the shop was popular and had a line, and some came by car only buying this coffee.
 On the way of going home, I heard someone call my son's name. So we found one of my son's friends watched us. Then we played together in the near park. According to my son's friend's mother, who was a medical worker, it seemed more time to eliminate the threat of COVID-19.