HRM(人的資源管理)研究者の Oxford 滞在記(2020-2022)


DAY356 [渡英330日] 2021年3月22日(月):原稿執筆

 朝,コーヒーを買いに行くと「Let's not distance the social」という看板が目に留まった。social distanceをもじって,社会と距離を取ることはできない(=社交と距離を取らない=コーヒーを飲もう)ということだと思う。なかなか洒落た表現だと思う。しかし,コーヒーそのものはモカを頼もうと思ったものの,チョコがないと言われ,カプチーノに変更して帰宅。帰りにお向かいと会って少し立ち話。


coffee 101 の看板

 When I went to buy a cup of coffee in the morning, I noticed a sign that said: "Let's not distance the social", which I think is a reference to social distance (i.e. let's not distance ourselves from society, i.e. let's drink coffee). I think it's quite a stylish expression. However, as for the coffee itself, I was going to order a mocha, but they said they didn't have any chocolate, so I changed it to a cappuccino and went home. On the way home, I met my neighbour and had a chat.

 After I came home, I wrote a manuscript to finish and prepared for my temporary return to Japan. First of all, a request form for a bank balance certificate arrives for my family in Japan, and I ask them to forward it to the bank. 5 working days, but in reality it takes about 10 working days. I just hope that there is no mistake in the documents and that the seal is correct.

 In the evening, we stand around in the common area with two families who live across the street from us. It seems to be quiet for a while, as we are returning home to change our visas and the other family is moving.