DAY322 [渡英297日] 2021年2月16日(火): 査読1終了,『Star Wars Episode4』,水道管の破裂,公園での一幕
3:00に起床して査読を1つ完了させる。この日は妻が英会話のため息子とお絵かきをしたり,一緒に『Star Wars Episode4』を1時間鑑賞。Epsode4は,1977年の上映だが,その後リメイクが加わったもの。当時ではジャバザハットがただの人だったと思うのだが,今回のリメイクで異星人のジャバザハットになっていた。
途中,昨日遊んでいた息子の友達も公園に来て,5人の子供を追いかける遊びをしたところで雨が降り始めたため帰宅。夕食後は『Star Wars Episode4』の続きを観て就寝。
I woke up at 3:00 am and finished checking the peer-review. Today, my wife attended the English conversation, so my son and I had drawn pictures and watched the movie, "Star Wars Episode4" for an hour. Episode4 was first broadcasted in 1977, but then made a remake. A human played a Java the Hat because of the technical problem, but this scene was changed into an alien at the remake version.
After lunch, we went for a walk to the post office in Walton Street. On the way, we saw the water pipe broke and water leaking under the ground. Not only my son, but also other children were interested in watching the leaking.
At 15:00, we went outside, because it was warm. When my son and I walk alongside the goal post at the park, we met my son's best friend. They played in a wooded area behind the goal post, but they ran to the park because they wanted me to chase after them. Arriving at the park a man told my son and me "How old is he?" "My son is 4 years old, let's play together", and he went to another place in the park. It was usual to play with children around this age because they could easily play with strangers. But what I was more concerned about was the parent's attitude. As mentioned above, he left his son there, and he was talking to his parents (and his parents-in-law) on the swing. I think he was meeting his family outdoors for lockdown, but if there were so many relatives in the park, they would have to take care of their kids by themself, and if he wants his son to play, one adult stays here. I was stunned when I came across the type of parent I had never seen before.
On the way to playing, the friend who played yesterday came to the park and played with him, so totally 5 children, including my son, played tag. Then it rained, so we went home. Before sleeping, we watched the rest of Star Wars Episode4.