HRM(人的資源管理)研究者の Oxford 滞在記(2020-2022)


DAY277 [渡英253日] 2021年1月2日(土):コラム完成,息子の誕生日の準備,La Cucina


 昼食にDeliverooでイタリアンを頼む。今回頼んだのは,La Cucinaでピザ・カプリチョーザ,フレンチオムレツ,ボロネーゼをオーダー。全体的にしょっぱいが美味しかった。午後はお向かいの子供が遊びに来たので公園行く。ひとしきり遊んだのち,帰宅して息子のお菓子選び。


La Cucina。お好み焼きみたいのがフレンチオムレツ






 Because of the headache and the eye ache, I slept earlier than usual. However, maybe being tired, so I got up at 5 am.
 Thanks to the babysitter, I had finished a column. I rewrote it because I exceed the number of words over 800 words, so I had to compress the number of words. Though it took time to rewrite the column, the quality of it was good, I think.

 At lunch, we had ordered Italian as delivery. This time, we chose the La Cucina and ordered a Pizza Capricciosa, a French omelette, and a Pasta Bolognese. Though there were salty, it tasted yummy.

 In the afternoon, the neighbour's kid came to play, and we went to the park. After going back home, we chose snacks for my son's birthday. In the UK, the kids who come to the birthday during the school term bring sweets in primary school, giving it to their classmates. However, because of COVID-19, (1) it is prohibited to bring handmade sweets ,(2) these sweets are wrapped one by one, and (3) we must bring the sweets a week before the birthday to kill coronavirus. If I can find "Okashi no Machioka" in the UK, it's so nice. But we couldn't find the sweets so easily on the website, because almost all items are for Christmas or the delivery is too late. It is tough for foreigners to suit the culture.
 In the evening, my son played LEGO alone. I found him constructing so many vehicles. Also, he gave each vehicle food equally. He has grown up having a kind mind.