HRM(人的資源管理)研究者の Oxford 滞在記(2020-2022)


DAY174 [渡英153日] 2020年9月21日(月)roundabout失敗。高速へ…。

 嫌がる息子を学校に送り出し,午前中の勉強が終わってから,午後からNorth Oxfordにある公園の駐車場に妻が運転して向かう。しかし,英国特有のroundaboutに失敗し,コッズウェルの方に向かってしまう。何とか途中の高速道路のパーキングで反転して元に戻るが,ナビがないとしんどいなぁ。
 夕方お向かいのお母さんがport meadowの散歩に誘うが,ちょっと疲れた。英国の6人ルールを逸脱しているけど大丈夫?原稿と妻との調査設計で時間が終了。


 In the morning, I send my son, who disliked going to primary school. After finishing the study in the morning, I rode in the car, driving to a park in North Oxford. But she failed to roundabout peculiar to Britain and headed toward Cotswolds. She managed to return to Oxford on the highway on the parking, but it hard without car navigation.

   In the evening, the mother of a neighbor ask my son out for a walk in Port Meadow, but I was a little tired. It deviates from the UK 6-person rule, is that okay? Time was over to making the research design with my wife and writing an article.