DAY271 [渡英247日] 2020年12月27日(日):クリスマスレゴ#3,Port Meadowの増水
朝から息子とレゴ作成に勤しみ,午前中にHarry PotterのQuidditchを完成。11時頃にお向かいの子供たちとPort Meadowを散歩。数日の雨で見たこともないくらいの増水でぐるりと一周する予定の道すら水没していて結局引き返すことに。
午後は,昔読んだ論文をもう一度読みたくなったので探す旅に。作者もタイトルも忘れ,どうやって見つけようかとGoogle scholarを必死で検索し,ようやく発見。
From the morning, my son and I made a lego of Harry Potter, Quidditch Match, and completed during a.m. My son and I had also gone to the Port Meadow at 11:00, with the kids of neighbours of our house.
Due to the heavy rain for a few days, the amount of water had increased, and the road was sunk, so we had gone back the road where we had come.
In the afternoon, I looked for the article that I had read before again. I didn't remember the authors and the title but using the google scholar I could find it.