HRM(人的資源管理)研究者の Oxford 滞在記(2020-2022)


DAY279 [渡英255日] 2021年1月4日(月):Lockdown 再び…。Babbysitterの寝坊,Harry Potter series LEGO完成



Harry Potter series LEGO完成。置き場に困る。

 午後は,息子と玄関前でバスケットボールのドリブルの練習をした後,家族3人でPort Meadowに出かける。先日よりは水は引いているものの,それでも水没箇所がいくつかあり,テムズ川は警告が出ていた。









 The serious babysitter was late for the time because of oversleeping.  Maybe she prepared for the test which would be held at the beginning of the term. Anyway, she was late for an hour and did babysitting for the rest of time.
 During the babysitting, my son had finished making Harry Potter's LEGO. Combining the Harry Potter's LEGO we already have, there was such an amazing sight.
In the afternoon, I played basketball with my son and practised the dribble, and then we went to Port Meadow. Compared to the other day, the amount of water had decreased, but there was a warning on the side of river Themes.
 Though the primary school will start from tomorrow, it has a strong possibility to close. Prime Minister Johnson doesn't think of closing the primary school, but the union for headteachers and teachers were against the opening.

 During writing above, the U.K. government had decided to do strict Lockdown like March last year. Also, the primary school will close from tomorrow. My son is looking forward to giving sweets to friends at primary school, but it was in vain. I felt tired because of many lockdowns and had damaged to mental. It would be better to change the VISA during the lockdown. Anyway, we must think about the way to overcome this lockdown!