HRM(人的資源管理)研究者の Oxford 滞在記(2020-2022)


DAY214 [渡英191日] 2020年10月31日(土)Afternoon tea

 午後から近所のホテルにafternoon tea をしに行く。英国式のafternoonなのでsweets,スコーン,サンドウィッチが出てくる。割と値段が高かったので,どれくらいの量がやってくるのか,食べきれなかったら持ち帰りできるのだろうかなど心配したが,大人2名と子供1名であれば十分に食べられる量であった。ただ,その代わり夕食は軽め。


英国でのAfternoon tea




afternoon tea set

 Waddesdon manorのshopで購入して美味しかった Gran Malbec 2013が届いた。webではヴィンテージは2015しかないということだったので諦めていたが,いざ届くとヴィンテージが2013だったので有難い。お値段は£23くらい(+VATや運送費)。


Gran Malbec 2013 コスパ高し


 夕方,再びLockdownのニュースが流れる。飲食店もtake awayだけになりそう(店内飲食はNG)。


 In the afternoon, I went to a hotel for afternoon tea. We ordered the Britsh way of afternoon tea, so there came out sweets, scones, and sandwiches. Compared to other food we had ordered in restaurants and pubs, the price was relatively high, that's why I worried about if I could finish eating or take away.
 However, it was enough for two adults and a kid. Instead, we ate light supper.
After finishing supper, we watched "Jurassic World". I had a strange feeling seeing the movie because though the park had once had a terrible accident, someone reopened the theme park.
 Since I was working, I couldn't understand the detailed story exactly. But seeing at a glance, the technologies such as vehicles and devices did catch up with a modern situation. Gran Malbec 2013, which I bought at  Waddesdon Manor, and I feel a good taste, arrived. On the web there was only 2015 vintage, so I gave up buying 2013, but checking the wines which arrived at my house, the vintage was 2013. It was lucky.

 Struggling with statistical analysis. Let's go back to the beginning and review from data cleaning.