HRM(人的資源管理)研究者の Oxford 滞在記(2020-2022)


DAY415 [渡英361日] 2021年5月20日(木):Old personage ランチ,分析枠組み,I'm Japanese

 今日は息子が小学校に行っている間にOld personageにランチに行く。分析枠組みもようやく形になり,何とか目鼻立ちが整った。以前aftenoon teaを食べにいったお店だがランチは初めて。店内でも店外でもどちらでもよいというが,お店に向かう段階で雨が降り始めていたので,屋内を選択。


Old personageの店内。落ち着いた雰囲気


Old personageのnenu


Old personageのシーフードサラダ。かなりのボリューム


Old personageのリゾット

 帰宅途中にケータリングカーのI'm Japaneseを見かけたので夜のおかずに唐揚げ弁当を注文。I'm Japaneseは,日本人の間で日本食が食べられると話題になっていたお店で車は見かけたことがあるものの,営業中のお店を見かけたのは初めて。英語で注文したが,その瞬間に「日本人ですか」と聞かれる。外見ですぐに分かるものなのだろうか。それとも「唐揚げ」の発音?前にもブログで述べたが,いわゆる唐揚げ用の肉は売っておらず,骨付きのものを捌く必要があり,唐揚げは自宅では手間のかかる料理。


I'm Japaneseのケータリング。ようやく出会えた!


唐揚げ弁当@I'm Japanese。ご飯がかなりのボリューム £8

 I recorded the strange noise from the boiler in the morning and sent it to the real estate company via dropbox. After that, I received an e-mail from the property manager, who said he forwarded it to the plumber and suggested some ways to fix it. How the landowner invest in the boiler to fix it?
 We went to lunch to Old personage during my son went to primary school because we fixed the framework and the direction for implication. I went to the restaurant for an afternoon tea, but it was the first time to lunch. Though the waiter said both were OK, whether the inside or the outside, it started to rain, so we chose inside.
 We ordered the seafood salad and the risotto.

 On the way to going home, I found the car, "I'm Japanese", and ordered a Karaage lunch box for dinner. I knew I'm Japanese, but it was the first time to order food. Though I ordered in English, a clerk asked me, "Are you Japanese?". Is it easy to judge who is Japanese or not for her? or my pronunciation of "Karaage" is fluent compared to a foreigner? As I told in this blog before, there doesn't exist the meat for Karaage, so we need to cut the chicken for Karaage. So to be able to eat the Karaage is convenient for the Japanese.