DAY209 [渡英187日] 2020年10月26日(月) Waddesdon manorへ。帰宅後,Jericho Grillのtake away
今日は何度も練習を重ねたWaddesdon manorへ。息子が外に出たがるため予定よりも少し早く8:30に出発。緊張しながらも車にて出発し,途中,小さなミスをしながらも何とか到着。9:30に到着したのでシャトルバスが到着するまでしばらく待つことに。ロスチャイルド家の敷地の1つだそうだが,ものすごく広大な土地。最初に森の中を探索するゲームで,様々な動物や虫に関する知識に関するクイズに答えながら散策する。その後,事前予約してあったジャック・オー・ランタンを作成し,中にあるカフェで軽食。レストランも併設されているが,事前予約が必要なうえafternoon teaのみだったので予約せず。ただ,中にあるカフェも日本でいうキオスクみたいなものでこれといって売っているものがあるわけでなく,多くの人は自宅から食事を持参していた。
食事をした後,メインのWaddesdon ハウスに入る。中には豪華な調度品や装飾が施されており,天井の高さや一部屋の大きさなどは日本とは比べ物にならないくらいの規模感。庭の手入れも素晴らしく,こうしたところが近所にあるのならば足しげく通いたいと感じるのだろうなぁ。
疲れてしまったので以前食べに行ったJericho Grillのtake awayをオーダー。ステーキを持ち帰るのは初めてだったが,サーロインを持ち帰って食べるのはしんどかったかもしれない。リブアイとサーロインを頼んだがどうしても脂っぽさを比較して感じてしまうので,次回はサーロインはやめよう。
My family went to Waddesdon Manor, which I practised, again and again, to go there. My son was looking forward to going there, so we left at 8:30. Driving with being nervous, I arrived at 9:30 and were waiting for the shuttle bus till 10:00 am. There is one of the Rothschilds family's properties and so large landscape.
At first, we played an adventure game to search for answering quizzes about the knowledge of various animals and insects in the forest. Then we made Jack O Lantern, which was needed to pre-book, and had lunch inside the garden. There also has a restaurant in the garden, but we didn't go there since we had to make a reservation in advance and only to take afternoon tea.
However, the cafe, where we had lunch, was a small like KIOSK in Japan, there were not so many things, that's why so many families brought food and drink from home.
Finishing lunch,,, we entered the Waddesdon house. Inside the house, there was so many luxurious and decorated furniture, and the height of the ceiling and the room were quite different from Japan. The garden was well maintained, so if I lived near here, I often would go there.
On the way to going home, I just go back to the same road, but maybe I was tired, I made a mistake on the final way. I was shocked because I practised the road many times. Though my son had already slept in the car, I felt so tired after returning home.
Because of being tired, we had ordered the take away at Jericho Grill, which we went to eat before. It was the first time to bring back steak, but it may have been difficult to bring back sirloin and eat it. We ordered ribeye and sirloin, but I feel that they are greasy compared to each other, it should be better to stop sirloin next time.