HRM(人的資源管理)研究者の Oxford 滞在記(2020-2022)


DAY210 [渡英188日] 2020年10月27日(火)日本人のお友達が家に来てその後家族でThe Jericho Tavernにてランチ

The Jericho TavernはHamburgerがウリのようで,皆でハンバーガ-を注文。途中,息子の小学校の友達がtake awayでお母さんとやってきて少しお話をする。息子がうっかりHamburgerを半分落としてしまい,結局3人で1.5個のHamburgerをシェア。 料理は焦げた風味がとても食欲をそそり美味しかった。


Big Cow ハンバーグの他に牛肉のしぐれ煮のようなものがかかっている

 ジュラシックパークの続編(ロストワールド)の残りを観終えた後,近所の自治会(association)が設定したハロウィーンの文字探しをしながら,前日のWaddesdon manorで作成したジャックオーランタンの蝋燭を購入しに雑貨店まで出かける。17:30ですっかり暗くなった,日本でいうと20時くらいの感覚。子供はあまり出歩かない方がよいだろう。 



 Unfortunately, it was raining today, so we cancelled the plan to play outside with my son's Japanese friend. Instead, we invited him (and his mother) to our house until we went to lunch. My son liked to show so many toys one after another.
Then we went to the pub for lunch by walk, and on the way to the pub, we met his father.
This pub is famous for Hamburger, so we ordered some kinds of hamburgers.
In the pub, we met a friend of my son (and mother) as a takeaway. Each hamburger has very appetizing and delicious with a burnt flavour.

After watching the LOST WORLD, we searched for Halloween characters set by the Oxford Waterside Residents' Association (OWRA) and went to the glossary shop to buy candles to light the Jack-O-Lantern which we made yesterday in the Waddesdon Manor, up.
It was completely dark at 17:30, which is about 20:00 in Japan. Children shouldn't go out too much.