HRM(人的資源管理)研究者の Oxford 滞在記(2020-2022)


DAY212 [渡英189日] 2020年10月29日(木)サバティカルの承認通知書,Oxford Tier2への移行(from Sat),郊外店のSainsberyへ買い物

 午後は郊外店のSainsberyに行くことに。片道で20分弱の道ではあるが,いくつかのラウンドアバウトを経て何とか無事に到着する。郊外店だけに駐車スペースも多く,買い物客でにぎわっていたが,帰宅するとコミュニティのメーリングリストからオックスフォードが土曜日からTier2に移行するとの連絡がまわる。Tier2になると屋内での他の家族との同席は不可能になる。分かりやすく言うと,息子の友達とお母さんが自宅やってくることが禁止されることを意味する。これから冬場だし,雨も降るし,屋内で遊ぶことが増えるだけにこの通知は痛い。 (私が確認したのはは現地時間10/29, 16:00現在)





 I woke up at 3:00 am and worked.  I received an email from the university about the letter permitting a sabbatical leave next year. That means I formally permitted to go to the UK next year. Of course, I will be asked to report the results during the sabbatical leave.

 In the afternoon, we went to the suburban, Sainsbury. It was just only 20 minutes by car, but there existed som roundabout that made me nervous and managed to the store. There were many parking spaces, and there were so many people. However, after going home, an email came from the communities I was belonging to about the notice of changing the Tier level from 2 to 3 from this Saturday in Oxford. Tier 2 prohibit to meet another family in the house. For instance, when my son's friend and mother came to our house, it violates the guideline. Its winter, and raining, there will increase opportunities playing inside, and that warning was critical for us.