HRM(人的資源管理)研究者の Oxford 滞在記(2020-2022)


DAY205 [渡英183日] 2020年10月22日(木)Bicester villegeへ

 自動車の練習もあと2日。今日は,Waddesdon manorの手前にあるBicester villageに行く。Bicester villageは,アウトレットモールショップ街で60%~70% offで販売されている。店舗によってはJALカード提示でさらに10% offになる模様。運転そのものは,いくつか分かりづらいroundaboutがあるが,何とか通り抜けることができた。教習車に乗っていると自家用車の方がブレーキの利きが悪い。想定よりもかなり前からブレーキを踏む必要がある。

 ・roundaboutを通り抜けるときはmiddle laneに入る,2車線の場合は左側




 The refreshers course lasts only two days. Today, I went to Bicester village on the way to Waddesdon. Bicester village is a huge outlet mall, where goods are sold from 60-70% off. Depending on the shops, showing the JAL card will give more 10% off!

 About the driving, though some types of roundabouts confused me, I managed to get through. Compared to the training car, the brake of my car didn't work well. It is necessary to brake much earlier than expected.

 ・I tended to too far to the left when I give way, so fix it.
   ・Enter the middle lane basically, when I want to pass on the other side of the roundabout.
 ・While driving, see the whole, not to see only in front of cars.
 ・Change the lane in a roundabout to enter Oxford, when I can see KFC at the left side.


 After finishing the lesson, when I played soccer with my son in the garden, the friend of my son told my son to go to the square.  When I went to the square, there were two girls besides my son and my son's friend. They run, hidden in the bush, and were rolling on the lawn. I felt it dangerous if I didn't teach my son how to break fall.