HRM(人的資源管理)研究者の Oxford 滞在記(2020-2022)


DAY211 [渡英189日] 2020年10月28日(水)hair cut in my house,Kindle for PC

 妻や子供が散髪の間,PCにkindleをダウンロードしてPCで本を読む方法を模索。だが,これまで購入した本が同期できない。どうも他の人のブログを見ると,複数の国でAmazonアカウント(特にUSの.comアカウント)を持っていると,日本のアカウントよりも優先されてしまい,.comのアカウントとkindleが結びつく模様。そのためUSのkindleでは購入していないため,日本のものは同期されない。したがって,この問題を回避するためには,米国アマゾンのアカウントのパスワードを変更し,再度kindleにログインする。そうするとkindle for PCのアカウントが日本のアカウントと紐づけられ,ダウンロードできるようになる。


 I had my hair cut in our house from 11:30 am. It was the first time in one and a half month, so next time I will have my hair in December. It took a few hours to have cut our hair, so we had lunch before she came. My son got used to her and spoke to her.

 I searched for the way to read the books and pdfs by the Kindle PC. However, I couldn't sync the books I had ever bought. Seeing the blogs, if we have multi accounts at Amazon, for instance,, UK, JP et al.), Amazon connects to the US account as a priority, that's why we couldn't find the kindle books.
 To solve the problem, we change the password of US Amazon account, then we log in the kindle account again, and the kindle connects to the account to JP account.
Besides, I found that a kindle could instal pdf files, that is very important for me.
If we download the journals on pdf to a kindle, we can easily copy and paste, write the memo, and directly use to my articles.  I used to use the iPad Good notes, but I felt that it was more efficient. It will be necessary to brush the literacy of these gadgets up.