HRM(人的資源管理)研究者の Oxford 滞在記(2020-2022)


DAY166 [渡英145日] 2020年9月13日(日)BrownsのSunday special,車が届く。

 暖かい春のような天気。午前中,車の保険の手続きのメールをした後,天気が良いので外出しようとすることに。息子がアイスが食べたいというので,George and Davisに行く。息子と一緒にアイスを購入している間,妻は野菜と果物を買い物。すでに12時近いので近所のBrowns Oxfordに行き,sunday specialをオーダー。シャトーブリアンのステーキで£50するが,3人で分けるくらいでちょうどよい量だった。本当は,Gerge and Davisの前にあるpierre victoireも気になるがお腹がいっぱいで断念。


結構なボリューム_Browns Oxford



我が家にやってきた車。Toyota COROLLA

 It was Spring-like warm weather. In the morning, I checked the car insurance procedure, and we decided to go out because the weather was so fine. My son requested to eat ice cream, so we went to George and Davis; while my son and I bought ice cream, my wife went shopping for vegetables and fruits.

 It was already about noon, so we entered Browns Oxford and ordered the Sunday special. Chateaubriand steak costs £ 50, but it was just the right amount for three people.

 In the afternoon, the car dealer emailed me that it could be delivered today, and we prepared for money. In the evening, a slender man came to our house and had a car.
Finally, the car came to our house. I will be busy because I must apply car insurance and automobile tax transfers etc.