HRM(人的資源管理)研究者の Oxford 滞在記(2020-2022)


DAY313 [渡英289日] 2021年2月7日(日): オリンピック大会組織委員会会長の発言,寒暖差のない寒さ,『アクアマン』鑑賞



 アダム・グラント(日本だと,『GIVE & TAKE 「与える人」こそ成功する時代』の著者で有名)が,TwitterでASQの論文を引き合いに出しながら,「結果は反対(=男性の方が時間がかかる」)と言及している。興味深いのは,Twitterに続くコメントがそれらを補強する意見(Leadership Quarterly)や「文化的な要素が考えられていない(ASQは米国サンプル?だから日本のサンプルには合わない)など,学術的な議論が展開されていること。




 Due to being tired, because I chased my son and his friend yesterday. Also, it was difficult getting up because of being cold; I got up at 5:00 am. My son had a tantrum in the morning, so he got rid of my vitality from the morning. Today, I checked my doctoral student's treatise to prepare for the meeting and read how to do a multilevel analysis a little. In the morning, we went to the Portmedow, but it was too cold, so we came home soon. It's harder to breathe when the wind blows.


 Today I want to introduce a view about the comments of the chief of the Olympic committee on "women tend to talk a lot during the meeting, so it took time" from the view of academia.

 This comment has already criticized a lot. On his Twitter, Adam Grant said with quoting the article in ASQ, the result was the opposite. More interesting things, on the following comments some agree with this opinion quoting an article in Leadership Quarterly or others are against the opinion because it didn't think of cultural factors, which is the differences between the US sample and the Japanese sample. That's a different kind of view from the mass media say.

DAY312 [渡英288日] 2021年2月6日(土): 査読結果,クラウン(The Crown),The Anchorのパエリア



 あと今更ながら英語の先生から勧められたNetflixのThe Crownを観始める。英語のサブタイトルを観ながら知らない単語や言い回しを中心に鑑賞。エリザベス女王の若いころからの話から始まり,英国君主制の様子と歴史を知るには恰好のドラマ。

 早めの昼食をとった後,公園に散歩したところ息子の親友家族がおり,息子は大喜び。お互いの姿を見て駆け寄る姿とか,公園内で手をつないで遊ぶ様子は微笑ましい。相手の家族が昼食を食べていないので帰る際にも子供たちはもっと遊びたかったらしく寂しそうだった。息子が友達にcome hereと言う時の"here"が英国アクセントになっているのに驚いた。

 夕方は近所のPub the Anchorが金曜・土曜・日曜限定でtake awayを始めたので,土曜日のパエリアを注文。まだ慣れていない感じはするが,分担して手際よく捌いていく。料理も店内ではなく,店外で大鍋で行い,その場で詰めている。COVID-19対策だろう。それにしてもThe Anchorの料理がだんだん多国籍になってきた。味は美味しいが,日本で食べるよりも米に火が通っている感じがするのと,油分が多い気がした。


The Anchor Paella(土のみ)写真を撮る前に取り分けてしまったのでご了承ください

 I received a referee comment about my treatise. Though the result was a major revision, but judging from the contents, I thought it was a minor revision. However, as I wrote yesterday, I have two articles needed to peer review, three chapters for texts to write, and the VISA preparation, so it will be busy during February and March. Thinking of the situation, it will be better to get up at 2:30. (Today, I woke up at 2:30, but it took about 30 minutes to tidy dishes up and prepare for the breakfast).


 Also, I started to watch Netflix "Crown", my English teacher recommended. Watching with English subtitles, I studied unknown words and phrases. This drama dealt with young queen Elizabeth and The British monarch, so it was good to know British history.
 When we went to the park after early lunch, we found the family, their son is my son's best friend, so my son was thrilled to meet him. I was delighted to see them running up and running hand in hand. Kids seemed to be sad because they wanted to play more when they went home to eat lunch.


 In the evening, the Anchor started to deliver to take away on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, so we ordered a paella. Though maybe they are not used to serve, they well organized. Because of COVID-19 measures, they served dishes outside. Anyway, the Anchor has changed into various kinds of dishes. Although the taste was yummy, I felt that the rice was well done more than I ate in Japan, and I felt that it had a lot of oil.

DAY311 [渡英287日] 2021年2月5日(金): 教科書,Oxfordowlのページ,英会話クラスの消滅



port meadow@Oxford 水没再び。

 ただ,帰宅すると,何とOxford Language Centreからメールがあり,"due to circumstances beyond our control"という理由により2回目以降は閉鎖になった。費用は回数割して返却されるとのことだが,こちらが対策を打つ前にクラスの登録が抹消されてしまったので,クラスメイトにすら連絡が取れない。しかも,妻のクラスは継続中だから「なんで?」ということが否めない。まぁ配偶者のクラスということで人数も少ないし,うまみも少なかったのだろうけど。




Today, there was a day off my son's childminder, so we spent time with my son. In the morning, he studied English. At that time, I found the web site to study phonics. Since we are Japanese, teaching phonics to my son is difficult, so this page is beneficial. After he studied all subjects, including PE, we went shopping in Branca because it was a sunny day.
However, after going home, an email from Oxford Language Centre said our class cancelled "due to circumstances beyond our control". They will refund the fee divided by the lesson. Although I would like to have made a mailing list before closing the class, it had already erased. Even though other classes continue to lesson, why this class cancelled?

 Besides, I found that the other text about HRM still was underway. I have to write 3 chapters until going back to Japan temporary. Anyway, I will have to finish writing the chapter I am as one of the editor members. I wonder if I will finish writing.

DAY310 [渡英286日] 2021年2月4日(木): AMRのYoutube,科研の再開申請書類完了,次年度に向けた申請,査読2本

 午前中は,息子を送り出した帰り道でAMR(Academy of Management Review)のYoutubeを聞く。トピックスは,"Where does theory come from?"でその人がなぜ論文を着想するに至ったのか,本人ののキャリアからペーパーに書き起こすまでのプロセスをインタビュー形式で尋ねている。既に何本かリーリスされており,なかなか面白そう。研究関連で言えば,審査した論文のリバイズがやってきた。もう1本審査中の論文も入れると2本。早く手離れしないといけない。そのために今日は,もう1つの科研費の再開申請書類を手掛け,次年度に向けた事務手続きを行う。ただ,この事務手続きは大学のアドレスからの返信が必要であるものの,大学のメールボックスの受信が多すぎてサーバーが応答しないため,ここに変な時間をロスをしてしまう。

 夕方,家族で近所を散歩。我が家の心の友?食事の友?だった近所のPub The AnchorがTake awayの準備をする模様。曜日によってメニューを厳選して提供するようだ。また,Woodstock Roadの整備状況が悪く,バスが通ると道路わきに溜まった水たまりが盛大に歩行者にかかるようになっている。コロナもそうだけど,バスの往来にハラハラしないといけない状況。

 On the way to going home from sending my son to the childminder, I listened to Youtube by AMR(Academy of Management Review), the topic is "Where does theory come from?". The movie showed why the author came up with the idea by interviewing their career and process. There has already had some movies, and there are interesting.
As to the research, the Revised paper came to me and needed a peer review. So I have totally two peer-review papers needed to check.
 That's why I made another document for JSPS and prepared for the next account year. However, this routine task needs to send from my university's email address. But it took time to open email box because there much emails inbox.

 In the evening, we went for a walk. At that time, I found the Anchor would start to take away. The menu was different by day of the week and gave the fixed menu. It was also dangerous for pedestrians to walk along Woodstock Road because the road condition was so bad that when the bus passes, the pool of water that collects on the side of the road will hit pedestrians. As with Covid-19, the situation is that we have to watch out the traffic of buses.

DAY309 [渡英285日] 2021年2月3日(水): 科研の書類作成,利用報告書,寄稿依頼,WASO(和惣)







 After sending my son to the childminder, I went to Portmeadow again. However, the road to the exit still had sunk, so I had to go back again. I did my tasks about Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research(JPSS). Though I made a document for this reopened, the email from JPSS said to make different documents. I wonder if the document would be in vain.
Besides, I emailed to my family to send me the baggage to the UK. Although maybe I can directly get these documents when I temporary go back to Japan to change my VISA, I think it is not enough time.


 Also, there came Japanese food from WASO in London. This food shop extended the delivery area, so my wife decided to order. Though I didn't take pictures of them, it seemed that this food was soon frozen after cooking. For example, Chicken with cooked vegetable and flavoured multi-grain rice was frozen with rice and side dishes, and miso soup also was frozen with the cup. How about the taste? I am looking forward to eating.

DAY308 [渡英284日] 2021年2月2日(火): 早朝の打ち合わせ,人権研修,Kahoot


 帰宅後,人権研修をteamsで録画されたものを受講し,Kahootのやり方を確認して終了。人権研修は大学から受講が求められている必須事項だが,延べ3時間はしんどい。講習は,ハラスメント,人権,障がい者で構成されており,人権は女性管理職に代表される役割分業の問題,障がい者についてはリモートワークやhome schoolingにおけるサポート体制について事例を紹介していた。昔から同和(部落)問題が議論されていたし,日本史受験だったので知っているつもりだったが,社会的に構築された制度によって差別を受けることが問題の本質にあることが分かったのは収穫であった。





(2)game pinを入力し,






【オンライン授業にも】Kahootで授業をもっと面白く! ICT授業導入にも最適 | ciQba(ちいくば)



 I got up at 3:00 to prepare for the meeting which will hold at 5:00. However, my son awoke at 1:40 am to go to the toilet, so I got up each 90minnutes. The meeting had finished without a matter. But I was sleepy all day. If it had more time, I could prepare for the document for the meeting.

 After finishing sending my son to the childminder, I went home across a river. Then I watched the movie about the harassment, human right, and diversity, which the university request me to watch. After watching the movie, I confirmed how to use Kahoot.
 Though the movie was interesting for me, 3 hours were too long. The movie's contents introduced the ratio of women manager, a division of labour by sex, and the support system for the disabled how to study under the homeschooling.


Kahoot is an application for interactive learning; each student only dose three steps;
(1) access to the Kahoot HP,
(2)enter the game pin, and
(3) enter nickname

 So it was easy to create questions and good for icebreaking. But, the basic version(for free) cannot create the multiple answer questions.

DAY307 [渡英283日] 2021年2月1日(月): 朝のPortmeadow,Virgn wifiの契約挫折,最新のHRM研究の一部



Port meadow@Oxford 道が水没




Triana, M.C., Gu, P., Chapa, O.,  Richard, O. & Colella, A.(2021). Sixty years of discrimination and diversity research in human resource management: A review with suggestions for future research directions, Human Resource Management 60(1), 145-204.

あと気になった論文,HR differenciation
Marescaux, E., De Winne, S., & Brebels, L. (2021). Putting the Pieces Together: A Review of HR Differentiation Literature and a Multilevel Model. Journal of Management.

最後は,メンタリストDaigoが説明する電子書籍 vs 紙媒体の説明。子供の教育について効果が述べられているが,デジタルネイティブの世代はどうなのだろう?


 It is the first day in February. There are so many things to do because it is the end of the accounting year in Japan.

 After I dropped my son down to the childminder in the morning, I went to the Portmeadow. However, the road to exit was filled with water, so it was impposible to cross the road. After going home, I commented to my doctoral student about his treatise and prepared for the questionnaire for the meeting that will hold tomorrow. After all, I spend am doing these two things.
 In the afternoon, though I tried to apply the Virgin internet, and started to chat an operator, my son request to play outside, so I gave it up to apply. I found that all wifi packages must construct for 18 months, but we will go back to Japan after one year. I wonder if I can use the break clauses or not. I have to change the wifi, registration for the VISA, and the final tax return.

 I found the amazing review article for the diversity and HR differentiation; I want to read them!

DAY306 [渡英282日] 2021年1月31日(日): サマータウンまで買い物


 実写版の『宇宙戦艦ヤマト』の残りを鑑賞。シリーズによってキャラクターが復活するというある種の割り切りを理解できずに「なんで生き返るの?」と聞く。息子にはまだ早かったか?とにかく現実には人は生き返らないと伝えることが重要。それにしてもアナライザー強すぎ。他にも斎藤工がいたり(コスモタイガー山本役),斉藤始 (池内博之)の母親が藤田弓子とか至る所に豪華俳優・女優陣がいる。


  早朝に,「SNAPTAIN ドローン」(2,999円)を組み立て。UKで購入したので説明書が英語だが,quick starterでほどなく動かすことができた。操作性は良いが,リモコン側の起動音がうるさい。「ピッ」という音がわりと大音量。そこは中国製にありがちなチープ感。




 I didn't do anything on Saturday and Sunday. In the morning, we went to the Summertown to go shopping because we couldn't go out for a few days, owing to rain. Even under the lockdown, the market in the Summertown kept open, and there were crowded. But the ratio of wearing a mask has increased.
 After lunch, we watched the rest of "Space Battleship Yamato". My son asked me "Why this person revive or still alive?" because he couldn't understand the story independent of each story. I wonder it was too early for him to watch the movie. Anyway, I told him that human couldn't revive in the real world.

 By the way, I set up "SNAPTAIN Drone". Since I bought it in the UK, it took time to read the manual, but I finished setting it up using the quick starter manual. It was easy to control, but the effect sound was not good. That's a made in China.

 My son recently didn't do his task only saying, like "I will do it from tomorrow", or "I will do it 5 minutes after". I worried that he would not do homework during the summer vacation after entering primary school in Japan.

DAY305 [渡英281日] 2021年1月30日(土): 忙しい,でも暇な週末。

 朝からレゴを組み立てたり,Google earthを見て日本のお家や今のお家,世界各地をみて遊ぶ。それから画用紙で色々なメカを書いて戦いごっこをする。午後は実写版の『Space Battleship ヤマト』を途中まで鑑賞し,NETFLIXの『Transsformers』を観る。ちなみに息子には,『Transformers』は,月1話更新と伝えているので,1か月ぶりの鑑賞で大興奮であった。



 I got up at 5:00 am, because of being tired. It has been raining today( sometimes sleet), so we couldn't go out. There were so many things(tasks), but I couldn't do anything because we have to play with my son. We built the lego models, watching google earth to see our house in the UK and Japan, and famous places. Then we drew battleships and attacked each other. In the afternoon, we watched "The space battleship Yamato" for 1 hour, and "Transformers" on Netflix. We told my son this TV programme would upload for a month, so he was excited.

 In addition to the lockdown, the rain caused us to feel the obstruction. Since the meals(food) are different from Japan, sometimes we want to have Asian food. Today, I made mapo tofu, and it tasted good.

DAY304 [渡英280日] 2021年1月29日(金): kindleの賢い使い方,Goodnote5? or Liquid text?


Covid: When will schools reopen? - BBC News


When will schools in England reopen?
Boris Johnson has told MPs that the government hopes to start reopening English schools on 8 March, depending on factors including the rate of vaccination amongst priority groups.



 ipadをもっと効果的に使いたいと思い,以下のサイトを発見。今はgoodnote5を使用しているが,ここに紹介されているliquid textも良さそう。あとkindle本の使い方がとても参考になった。


 We maybe were tired, so we slow down the studying of homeschooling. After my son studied a little bit and wrote a letter, we went for a walk near Jericho. We walked along the river, played in the park, and went home across the playground. It was a sunny day.
However, hearing the news that primary school still closed until 8th March, I feel tired.


-------quote -----------

When will schools in England reopen?
Boris Johnson has told MPs that the government hopes to start reopening English schools on 8 March, depending on factors including the rate of vaccination amongst priority groups.


 I found the Youtube which introduced the iPad more effectively.
I have used goodnote5, but the liquid text also is amazing. Also, I found how to use kindle more effectively.