HRM(人的資源管理)研究者の Oxford 滞在記(2020-2022)


DAY310 [渡英286日] 2021年2月4日(木): AMRのYoutube,科研の再開申請書類完了,次年度に向けた申請,査読2本

 午前中は,息子を送り出した帰り道でAMR(Academy of Management Review)のYoutubeを聞く。トピックスは,"Where does theory come from?"でその人がなぜ論文を着想するに至ったのか,本人ののキャリアからペーパーに書き起こすまでのプロセスをインタビュー形式で尋ねている。既に何本かリーリスされており,なかなか面白そう。研究関連で言えば,審査した論文のリバイズがやってきた。もう1本審査中の論文も入れると2本。早く手離れしないといけない。そのために今日は,もう1つの科研費の再開申請書類を手掛け,次年度に向けた事務手続きを行う。ただ,この事務手続きは大学のアドレスからの返信が必要であるものの,大学のメールボックスの受信が多すぎてサーバーが応答しないため,ここに変な時間をロスをしてしまう。

 夕方,家族で近所を散歩。我が家の心の友?食事の友?だった近所のPub The AnchorがTake awayの準備をする模様。曜日によってメニューを厳選して提供するようだ。また,Woodstock Roadの整備状況が悪く,バスが通ると道路わきに溜まった水たまりが盛大に歩行者にかかるようになっている。コロナもそうだけど,バスの往来にハラハラしないといけない状況。

 On the way to going home from sending my son to the childminder, I listened to Youtube by AMR(Academy of Management Review), the topic is "Where does theory come from?". The movie showed why the author came up with the idea by interviewing their career and process. There has already had some movies, and there are interesting.
As to the research, the Revised paper came to me and needed a peer review. So I have totally two peer-review papers needed to check.
 That's why I made another document for JSPS and prepared for the next account year. However, this routine task needs to send from my university's email address. But it took time to open email box because there much emails inbox.

 In the evening, we went for a walk. At that time, I found the Anchor would start to take away. The menu was different by day of the week and gave the fixed menu. It was also dangerous for pedestrians to walk along Woodstock Road because the road condition was so bad that when the bus passes, the pool of water that collects on the side of the road will hit pedestrians. As with Covid-19, the situation is that we have to watch out the traffic of buses.