HRM(人的資源管理)研究者の Oxford 滞在記(2020-2022)


DAY303 [渡英279日] 2021年1月28日(木): 質問票のチェック,科研の書類作成,一時帰国の様子




 From the early morning, I wrote emails and finished checking the questionnaire.
I wrote my Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research document and read the rules on using the funds. Since it is not a fund type but a subsidies type, I have to pay attention to using the budget. I reminded the Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research for a young researcher(A), the same fund type.

 In the afternoon, I drove my car to pick my son up. My son joined the meeting with the teacher and kids; however, only two kids attended the meeting. In the other class, I heard that only one kid attended the meeting and cancelled it because of being worried about a technical error or miscommunication.
I think I am worried about those teachers demotivated as a few attendances. Certainly, this session was a little complicated, but parents requested these types of session.

 According to my wife watching the blog that reported returning to Japan, we have to stay APA hotel or Toyoko Inn, and it will be OK to receive the food from outside.
But we must stay for 3 days at a minimum; almost people use wifi, so sometimes it's hard to connect it. The terrifying thing is that it takes 5 or 6 hours from the airport to the hotel to move. Thinking of jet lag, it will be a tough time. I worry that my son will get shocked.

DAY302 [渡英278日] 2021年1月27日(水): 英会話の課題,Jamal's

 息子が1:40にベットに来て「パパと一緒に寝たい」ということで,息子の狭いベッドで睡眠。今日は息子をchildminderに送りだしてから,zoomで英会話の課題としてペアでチャットを愉しむ。Oxford Language Centreに登録しているクラスメイトで現在まだブラジルにいるとのこと。Oxfordの法学部で受け入れが決まっているものの出国を見合わせているらしい。もしオンラインクラスが続くのであれば,このクラス日本でも履修できるのでは??とか思ってしまった。






Jamal'sのカレー 4回目。我が家にフィットする辛さ。

 My son got up at 1:40 am and asked me to go bed with him. Then I slept with him in his narrow bed.

 I had a meeting to do homework at English conversation via zoom after sending my son to the childminder. He is my classmate of Oxford Language Centre and now lives in Brazil. Though he will study law at the faculty of law, he is waiting for going to Oxford. If an online class continues after go back to Japan, I want to take classes.

 My pair was the lawyer working in Brazil and got a master's degree in Italy. He could speak Italian, Spanish, French, and English. He said that he wanted to compare the law system by countries.
 As to contents, we talked about each past, and future career, Oxford, and each country's vaccination. I recorded the zoom meeting as evidence. When I watched the record, I was surprised to hear my pronunciation was so bad and flat.
Today, I got knowledge of

(1) understanding how to set up zoom, and record it.
(2) recognizing my English ability to seeing my speaking

 In the evening, we ordered Jamal's curry. This restaurant was off on Tuesday; maybe it took time to set up the kitchen. Then, meals were delivered at 18:30. However, I have to sleep with my son at 19:30 and was anxious about being stomachache.

AY301 [渡英277日] 2021年1月26日(火):メールの勘違い,コラムの依頼,社会性と英語学習のトレードオフ



 もう1つ。ふとメールで誤解をしていたのではないか,ということを書く。OUNC(Oxford University Newcomers Club)の方からメールをもらい,日本で幼児教育の経験がある米国人が9月からOxfordに来ているが,子供と接する機会や日本の文化に触れる機会がないので,興味があればつなぐ,という趣旨のメールが来て,その後,本人からメールが日曜日に届いた。その時は当たり障りのない返信をしたものの,妻と話をしていて「これって私たちの子供の面倒をみたい(ティーチングアシスタント)」ということではないのか,と指摘され,今度は妻がメールを出したところ,即レス。やはり今は仕事をしていないからかつてのキャリアが活かせるような仕事をしたいのだということがわかった。

 では,仮に面倒をお願いするとしても,現在のchildminderはどうするか。サポートバブルは一組しか作れないので,基本的にchildminderとnanny・TAの併存はできない。また,このメールをくれた方が平日来てくれるとも限らないし,何よりも私たちの家からちょっと遠いため,(感染のリスクを回避するためには)車の送迎をしないといけないかもしれない。こちらで20時間の研修を受けているものの,東京に住んでいて車の運転経験が少ない我々には致命的な要素。pros and consを検討しないといけないが,大きいのは,社会性 vs 英語学習 だろう。現状のchildminderでは,息子が最年長になるため,語学力の進展は見込まれないが,社会性は身に着けられるし,このstay at homeの中で他の子供と接することができるのは大きい。他方で,今回知り合いになった方は日本で3-6歳児教育を行っており,保育経験,モンテッソーリ式の教育も心得ている。その意味では語学力の向上が見込めるが,息子と1on1になってしまうので社会性は育まれない。COVID-19がなければ元気に学校に行っているはずなので,こんな心配はしなくてもよいのだが…。

 Maybe I was tired; I woke at 4:45 am. I received an email about writing a column, so I consulted with my wife. I decided to receive an offer. Though there existed an uncertainty about VISA, and I didn't have any title in the UK, I live in Oxford and have one year leave to take care of my son, so I can write something about the life in the UK. It would be better to write to them after April. Besides, thinking of VISA and COVID-19, there could not go back to the UK. Anyway, we concluded to have columns after June or July.


 There is another topic about an email, which I misunderstood the meaning. I received an email from OUNC(Oxford University Newcomers Club)memeber and introduced me to an American lady who lived in Japan and experienced teaching for kids. She missed teaching kids and wanted to brush her Japanese language up, so she wants to get along with Japanese people. A few days after, the email from the lady, so I replied to her. However, talking with my wife, I found out that her email meant "she asked us that is there any opportunity to take care of my son, such as a teaching assistant". Then my wife emailed her and came the quick reply. She doesn't have a job in Oxford, so she wanted to some kinds of job which could use her career.

 If we asked her caring for my son, how should I do about the childminder? The government restricted to make a support bubble only one pair so that we couldn't use both. Also, I am not sure she can go to our house on weekdays, and there is a little far from our house, so I need to drive to pick her up and drop her off to refuse the risk of infection riding on the bus. Thinking of the pros and cons that is better for us, the most important things are sociality versus the learning ability for English.

 In the childminder, my son is the oldest of all kids, so maybe he could acquire the sociality and have a good opportunity to play with other kids under the stay at home situation, but, couldn't improve his English fluency. On the other hand, since the woman has rich experience for child education, such as Montessori education, my son will improve his English skill, and not acquire sociality because of teaching 1 on 1.
If there doesn't exist COVID-19, my son goes to primary school, and we need not have these types of trouble.

DAY300 [渡英276日] 2021年1月25日(月):teams meeting,アジアン食材買い出し


 午前中は,コラムの校正を返却して溜まったメールを返却。それでもメールが終わらない。あっという間に午前中が終了し,昼食を作る。昼食後は,息子が返ってくる前にGreen makert近くのアジアンの食材屋(GG Oriental Snack Shack)にみりんや醤油,冷凍餃子などを買いに行くが,納豆(こちらは冷凍されている)や豚肉のスライス,塩昆布などは売り切れていた。残念。


 I got up at 3:30 am to prepare for the teams meeting. I had a meeting for 40minutes and then uploaded my blog. I sent my son to a childminder, but on the way, there were easy to be slippy on the road. So we walked slow and slow.


 In the morning, I checked the column and returned it. Then, I replied emails, even replying emails, there exist many emails to reply. I cooked and took lunch. Then I went to the Asian grocery store before my son going home and bought a soi sauce, mirin, Japanese dumplings, seaweed. But unfortunately, sliced pork, rotten beans(Japanese natto), et al were sold out.


 Though there was no fault for my son, I heard that there don't have a habit washing hand with using soap, and having gargle in the childminder, when children went the house from outside( But I am not sure true or not, because my son said.). Though we want to make him have a hand gel, thinking of the risk that my son use it inside eyes or mouth, it was impossible to bring it. I felt a nostalgic mood when I thought of the nursery in Japan because kids washed their hands singing.

DAY299 [渡英275日] 2021年1月24日(日):Oxfordでの積雪









 It had much snow in Oxford, so my son was excited. It stopped snow around 10 am, and we went to the park to meet my son's friend at 10:15.

 When we went out, I borrowed a sledge from my neighbour. At that time, the neighbour in front of my house came out and made a snowman. Then, we met with my son's friend at common land. My son and his friend threw snowballs to me and made snowmen. After lunch, another neighbour came to knock the door, then played with them. My wife and I were so tired, but my son enjoyed the playdate.

 Besides, we could talk about many things like education for their kids and the confirmed case of COVID-19 in Oxford with taking a social distance. He said that there had increased the number of confirmed COVID-19, even the nursery.

DAY298 [渡英274日] 2021年1月23日(土):ネット不調,LEGO「ハリーポッター 夜の騎士バス」


息子が数日かけて完成させたLEGO,『ハリーポッター 夜の騎士バス』が完成。完全にうちの一角がHarry Potter Worldになっている。息子とテニスをするもののあまりの寒さに早々に退散。代わりに夕方に近所の公園に散歩。ただし,人が多いため,グランドをゆっくりと2周歩いて帰宅。色々な知識や読んだ本のタイトルを披露してくれる息子を褒めると,「僕,もっと勉強する」といって50音を書き始めた。明日は50音の中でも苦手なものを中心に練習するらしい。
 夕食後,昨日の『宇宙戦艦ヤマト 追憶の航海』の続きを観て就寝。これはリメイク版でヤマトがイスカンダルへ行き,コスモリバースを受け取って地球に帰還するまでの話。単行本で読んでいたけど,途中,知らない(覚えていない)話が盛り込まれていた。



我が家の一角がHarry Potter Worldになった。

 Though I woke up at 3 am, the internet connection didn't work, so I used the tethering. I didn't understand why the internet didn't work. But the wifi recovered at 6:30 am, it may need to change wifi.
 In the morning, to have a coffee chat with my pair via zoom, I set up the zoom, and email him. Then I helped my son to make lego, "Harry Potter, the Knight Bus". There was a Harry Potter World at the corner of my house. Then, I played tennis with my son, but it was too cold to play.
 Instead of playing tennis, we went for a walk to the park. Walking with me, my son showed so much knowledge and taught the titles he had read, and so, I praise and motivate him to study more. He told me "I want to study more", and start writing Japanese letters after going home. He will practise the letters which are not good at for him tomorrow.

 After eating dinner, we watched the rest part of "the Space Battleship Yamato". This is the remake version telling the story that Yamato goes to Iscandar and receives the cosmo reverse system. Then Yamato goes to the earth. Knowing the story by comics, in some part, I didn't know (or remember) the detailed story.

DAY297 [渡英273日] 2021年1月22日(金):住居の更新,散歩→Jericho cafe,『宇宙戦艦ヤマト 追憶の航海』


 ただ,来年度は帰国のタイミングもあるので,11か月契約や12か月契約にするのか迷うところ。そこでエージェントに相談したところ,break clause(途中解約)を織り込んだらどうかという提案を受ける。これは2か月前?に退去日を通達すれば,当初の契約期間を短縮できるという条項。そのため,結論としては「家賃£15の値上がりは了承し,a break clause入りで12か月の賃貸契約」というのが妥当ということに落ち着いた。





 私が適当に描いた宇宙戦艦ヤマトを本物と信じてもらっては困るので,息子にリメイク版の『宇宙戦艦ヤマト 追憶の航海』を見せる。そこはまだ子供で30秒に1回ずつ「何?」「何?」と聞いてくるので,説明が大変だった。


We received an email from the property company to renew our tenancy to next term. First of all, we have to reply about whether to renew our tenancy or not within a week. Generally speaking, the landowner tends to raise the price up by 5-10%. However, in this COVID situation, many landowners keep the price, I heard. As to our case, the landowner requests £15 up per month. I thought it was a reasonable price, so we accepted.

Since we have to go back to Japan next year, we will contract for 11 months or 12 months. Then when I consulted the agent about this tenancy, she advised us to add a break clause. This is a treaty if we notice the date to leave before 2 months(?), we can shorten the tenancy period. As a result, we decided to renew a tenancy for 12 months, including a break clause and £15 up per month.

In the morning, we struggled to do his homeschooling. Mix flour, salt, water and salad oil to make playdoughs and make dinosaurs. But in the end, since homeschooling took parents away time from doing their job. Maybe though it was ok if parents were a housewife or husband, it was hard for parents who had jobs to perform them.
 In the afternoon, we went to the park near Jericho primary school. On the way to the park, we met the neighbour, and met my son's friend's parents in front of a cafe.
Each kid has stress not being to meet their friends, so if we have a chance, we told we would take their kid to the park and play.

Since my son belive the Space Battleship Yamato by seeing my poor drawing, I tried to show him "the Space Battleship Yamato Reminiscence voyage, remake version". However, my son asked the contents every 30 seconds, say "what is that meaning?", "what?". I couldn't watch the movie with ease.


DAY296 [渡英272日] 2021年1月21日(木): コロナにかかる費用あれこれ(1/21時点),新しい査読依頼,Taberu(デリバリー:食べる),えんとつ町のプペル

 英国→日本 35000円×3人=105,000円
 日本→英国 35000円×3人=105,000円


Coronavirus testing Oxford | Mayfield Clinic | Oxford








 13:00から息子が学校の友達とteamsをする。今日は,spaceman gameというもので,ブランクになった単語を当てるゲームで,制限回数以内に当てないと画面の宇宙船が飛んでしまうというもの。最初はルールを理解するのに手間取ったが,すぐに理解して楽しそうに遊んでいた。ただ,接続が悪いのか,参加しているお友達はいつもよりも少なかった。
 宿題が終了後,息子と一緒にハリーポッターLEGOの『レゴ(LEGO) ハリーポッター 禁じられた森:グロウプとアンブリッジの遭遇』を途中まで作成。あとは巨人を残すのみとなった。その後,息子とテニスをして『ハリーポッターと炎のゴブレッド』を観始める。息子も登場人物を理解し始め,系統だってきた。あと『えんとつ町のプペル』を息子に読み聞かせた。これは西野亮廣さんの絵本。絵本だからなのか,オチが読めてしまった。これ映画化される(された?)った聞いたけど,時間が持つのだろうか。あと,絵・文・監督は西野さんだけど,完全に西野さん一人で描き上げたものではなくて,チームを組んでいることが分かった。





Taberu Oxfordのお寿司。今のところOxfordで一番おいしい。



QS World University Rankings 2021: Top Global Universities | Top Universities





 To change the VISA, we must temporarily go back to Japan, but it will take so much cost related to COVID-19. First, we must take the PCR test before boarding the aeroplane before 72 hours. It cost about 35,000 yen per person.
From the UK to Japan it costs

From Japan to the UK, it costs

and besides, if we want to finish self-isolation for 5 days, not for 10 days, we only have to take a PCR test, but it also costs
    total 315,000yen.

I wonder if we can utilise insurance about these costs.


 After finishing the Japanese government's isolation, we rent a room for self-isolation or ride on a taxi, which specialised for COVID-19. According to my wife, it takes 8 hours to ride from Osaka to Fukuoka and costs approximately 280,000 yen. Another taxi company can go to Fukuoka at most Hiroshima(it costs 170,000 yen).

 Thinking of the flight cost, maybe it cost over 1 million yen.


 Today, I was asked to have a peer review by a new journal committee. The "new" means that I haven't experienced a reviewer about this journal.
Though this article requests so many new knowledge to review, I accepted the offer to brush my ability up. (This may cause me to struggle.) Also, I did my homework for English conversation and handed it into the teacher.

 My son had a meeting via teams at13:00 am to meet his friends. At this time, he did a spaceman game, which filled with blanks within ten times. If we answer the question, the spaceship launches. It was hard to understand the rule, but he soon understood the rule and enjoyed it. Maybe the internet connect was not good, so a small number of kids attending the meeting.
 After finishing all homework, we started to make the Harry Potter lego series "Harry Potter Forbidden Forest: Umbridge’s Encounter Building Set with Giant Grawp and 2 Centaur Figures". We only left a giant creature. Then we watched "Harry Potter and the Gobrett of the fire". My son gradually understood the main characters of the movie.
Also, I read "Poupelle of Chimney Town" by Akihiro Nishino for my son. Though he wrote all of them, he formed a team.

 We ordered "Taberu", Japanese foodservice via Deliveroo. Sushi was a good taste for us. Certainly, this meal couldn't win the real sushi restaurant, but they taste like a meal sold in the department store. "Yakitori" is not grilled, but fried.


 QS World University Rankings reveals top 1,000 ranking. The University I work for was quite lower than a world-class university, the same as the university in Japan.

DAY295 [渡英271日] 2021年1月20日(水): 英語の勉強の日,Phonicsとtrick wordsの意味

 今日は10時からOxford University Language Centre の英会話コース1日目。zoomで開催されるために入室に手間取ったが,無事に入ることが出来た。通常14名コースのところ,今回は私を入れて6名が受講。 English for partnerというコースだが,実際には交換留学生など対象とは異なる人もいた。国も様々でイタリア,ドイツ,ブラジル,中国2名,日本であった。講義の内容については,著作権なりノウハウがあるので,触れないが雑感を記す。


 英会話が終了後,妻から学校の先生から息子の教育について返信がきたと聞く。このことでPhonicsとtrick wordの関係性が理解できた。むしろ我々にとって勉強になった。一言で言うと,日本人は,発音と単語を切り分けて勉強していたが,phonicsを知ることで両者がつながって認識できるようになるとのこと。したがってPhonicsを理解できると音で単語が書けるようになるらしい。ただし,例外があってそれがtrick wordsであり,Phonicsではカバーしきれないもののようだ。基礎的なphonicsを学んだのち,連語(ch, thとかだと思う)を勉強することで理解を深めるとのこと。多分,この人の動画がphonicsによる発音と日本語による発音の違いを理解できるように説明してくれていると思う。



 I took an online class about English for Partners by Oxford language centre from 10:00. The lesson held via zoom, so it took a few minutes to enter the room, but its no problem. Normally there is a maximum of 14 students at this course, but there are only 6 students here, including me. This course is for English for the partners, mixed like an exchange student, and a person working in Oxford. This class member came from various countries, like Italy, Germany, Brazil, China(2), and Japan. Though I can't write the contents down in this blog, I write the feeling after taking the lesson.
 First, the speaking speed of the teacher was rapid. So the person who came to Oxford recently had difficulty understanding, and there is a strong possibility of having various students in this class. Still, in my class, they're similar about English level.
 Second, about the time for the class. Though this class consists of 2 hours,, including 10 minutes break, it was hard to continue over 2 hours. Because my eyes have damaged to keep watching a screen, even though we have a motivation to study. That's meant the class for managers at most 90 minutes or 2 hours. The finding is useful to plan lectures and classes.
 Finally, the way to manage the class. The teacher used a breakout room and a shared screen with empowered the right to control the screen on zoom. Also, she used the last 10 minute to wrap up and reviewed chat comments.
We will meet for 2 weeks after, and I will do my homework.

 After finishing the English class, my wife told me the reply from primary school about my son's education. This email made me understand the studying Phonics and the relationship between Phonics and trick words. It was such useful information for us. In short, we Japanese separated studying pronunciations and words. However, studying Phonics, we understand both are interrelated. Then when we understand Phonics, we can spell the words judging from the sounds. However, there exists exception; that is trick words, such as ch, th, et al.. I studied English all day.

DAY294 [渡英270日] 2021年1月19日(火):質問票の設計,息子の教育(reconstruction at my son's education)












 The questionnaires were postponed because coauthor couldn't understand. Uhm, I think these questionnaires will impact HRM research in Japan, so it should be used. I changed the plan to use these questionnaires to another survey.
There was an event today, so I was busy all day.
 In the morning, I send my son to the childminder, and during his absence, I had a meeting for one hour via zoom. Though there totally had about one hour, I felt tired. Maybe I insist on my opinion about the survey.


 We did homework from primary school after my son going home. But we felt the homework level a little bit difficult for my son because the primary school requested to make plain sentences. Because my son couldn't judge large/small letters, sometimes he used mixing letters, and when he wrote sentences, his spellings were separated like Japanese. That's why my wife decided to go back to basic how to write large/small capital and remember the word instead of doing homework. I agreed with her opinion, but, I complained about the way to communicate with my son. We both majored in HRM, so we had to understand the importance of communication. In the evening, my son suddenly cried and asked him the reason. He said that a friend didn't come to the childminder, and he remembered the situation. But is it true? I wondered that he had shocked to hear the conversation with us.