DAY407 [渡英353日] 2021年5月12日(水):Ulrichの調査 Round8,The Anchor,ワクチン接種予約
午前2:00-3:30までUlrich教授によるHRコンピテンシーのワールドワイド調査の8回目の報告会をwebinerにて聞く。今年は,息子のMitchell(=Mike) Ulrichに加えてPatrick Wrightが加わり,HRコンピテンシーが一層streetgic human capital寄りになった。著作権の問題があると思うので,ざっくりと書くと以下の通り。
Pat Wrightが加入したことで分析レベルが個人レベルの議論から組織レベルの議論に昇華。また,彼の現在のメイン研究の1つであるstrategic human capitalに議論が寄った印象を受けた。
昼はThe Anchorで屋外テントでランチ。バターチキンのケバブとビールを飲んで午後に備える。久しぶりのThe Anchorだけど,オーダーと支払いが完全に携帯で行われるようになっていた(オーダーの段階でチップを設定するようになっているため,サービスぶりでは判断できない)。焦げた風味が食欲をそそる。
I joined the presentation about the 8th round survey researched by Prof Dave Ulrich at 2:00-3:30 am by Webinar. This year, in addition to his son Mike David, Pat Wright joined the research. I think that's why Wright's concepts and conclusions were affected and insisted on the importance of strategic human capital. Being carefully writing, I wrote my feeling down about the webinar.
1)They insisted on the three main notions; the effects of HR competency, the capability of the HR department, and business capability on the performance.
2)HR competency only affected 3.5% to the performance, whilst HR competency mediated HR department capability to the performance(48.2%)and at the same time HR competency mediated business capability to the performance(48.3%)
3) This presentation didn't include the regional analysis(there were so many questions).
Lunch at The Anchor in an outdoor tent. I had a butter chicken kebab and a beer to get me ready for the afternoon. It's been a while since I've been to The Anchor, but I've noticed that ordering and payment is now made entirely by mobile phone (you can't tell by the service, as you have to tip at the ordering stage). The burnt flavours were mouth-watering.
I've finally made an appointment for my vaccinations. The first dose will be given next week on the 21st, and the second in August. It will definitely be AstraZeneca, but we'll see how it goes. I hope it won't be too bad as there is a lot of individual variation.