HRM(人的資源管理)研究者の Oxford 滞在記(2020-2022)


DAY326 [渡英301日] 2021年2月20日(土):査読2終了,伊藤レポート(経産省)







 午前中は,Port Meadowを散歩して帰り道にThe Anchorでラップを購入して帰宅。The Anchorもシェフが変わったのか,ラテンアメリカ的なラップで煮込んだ牛肉に米が入っている。午後,近くのスクウェアに遊びに行き,お向かいの子供と遊ぶが我々の方がダウン。


port meadow@Oxford 分かりづらいけど水面を撮影している。水がキレイ。


The Anchor の Wrap

 帰宅後は,『Star Wars Episode6』を観始める。前半のジャバザハットのくだりってこんなに長かったっけ?CGでリメイクされている部分もあり,カットが追加されているかもしれないが,なんか間延びしている印象だった。

 I had finished doing another peer-review. So I will concentrate on applying for the VISA, revised my treatise, and writing a book chapter. Writing an email to an Alumni student of MBA, we talked about the ITO report. I felt the need for more collaboration between management accounting and HRM, which expressed in this report. In my personal opinion, Professor Kunio Ito is a famous accounting researcher in Japan, and I hit upon the book "a seminar in modern accounting". But now, he speaks of the importance of human capital. HRM researchers also need to study corporate governance and accounting to have a wide view to grasping the management. In other words, it was a pity that HRM researchers couldn't say anything in this situation.

 Though I want to buy wellies, it will be March when the wellies came to my house. Also, I will not bring wellies to Japan. I should buy wellies or not. But wellies are essential for daily life in the UK, not the meaning of a fashionable one. Some say the brand we will buy regards the social class, so it is difficult to buy.
It was warm, so there were so many people outside. Without COVID-19, we enjoyed UK life and concentrating on research. However,

 The primary school has closed, and all of us said we were tired of the lockdown. On the parents' SNS, there are posts such as "I've done everything I can to extend the time with children's toys" and "It's good to" tighten the screw in the wood."

 In the morning, I took a walk in Port Meadow and bought wraps at The Anchor on my way home. Perhaps the Anchor chef has changed, and the beef stewed in Latin American wrap contains rice. In the afternoon, we went to a nearby square and played with the child on the other side, but we were tired.

 After returning home, start watching "Star Wars Episode6". Was the Jabba the Hutt's scene so long? Some parts have been remade with CG, and a cut may have been added, but it was an impression that it was somewhat extended.