DAY348 [渡英323日] 2021年3月14日(日):母の日,The AnchorのLambロースト
英国(イングランド)での母の日は,イースターの日にちから数えて設定するため毎年,日が異なるらしいが,どうやら2021年は今日が母の日らしい。家族で散歩に出かけると教会から花を持ったお母さんが出てきたし,息子の小学校でも先週,mother's dayというペイントを描いてきた。
帰宅後は,昨日に引き続き,The AnchorでSunday roastを食す。妻がBeef,私がLambを注文。ローストした後一回焼くのがこのお店の流派のようだ。食事後にテニスをしていると,最初に向かいの子が遊びに来て,その後公園に向かう途中の学校の友達とそのお父さんに出会って公園に移動。ジャングルジムでは隣のクラスの男の子と合流して遊ぶ。我々は雨が降るまで立ち話。
In England, Mother's day was different each year because they count the date from Easter, so this year, 14th is the Mother's day.
On the way to going for a walk, I saw women coming out from a church received flowers, and I remembered that my son wrote a letter to my wife.
Also, I found a box like this; The box exists in front of the primary school managed by the church and used for recycling. I was happy to find this box.
After returning home, we ate Sunday roast at The Anchor. My wife ordered Beef, and I ordered Lamb. It seems that this pub likes to bake once after roasting. When I was playing tennis after a meal with my son, the child on the other side first came to play, and then I met a school friend and his father on the way to the park and moved to the park. At the jungle gym, the boys in the next class joined and played with them. We talked until it rains.