HRM(人的資源管理)研究者の Oxford 滞在記(2020-2022)


DAY327 [渡英302日] 2021年2月21日(日):『Star Wars Episode6 ジェダイの帰還』『Star Wars Episode7 フォースの覚醒』

『Star Wars Episode6ジェダイの帰還』を観終える。最後のシーンは,Episode1~3を受けてヘイデン・クリステンセンになっていたり,戦争終結を全銀河系が祝うシーンでは,Episode1で出てくるナブーとかの国々が出てきていて目新しかった。

 夕方になって『Star Wars Episode7 フォースの覚醒』を少しだけ観始める。連続している観ているせいか,よく指摘されているように時代の潮流を感じる。特に感じるのはダイバーシティ(多様性)。これまでのエピソード4-6では,メインキャラクター(ルーク,レイア,ハンソロ)は,白人であるのに対して,Episode7-9は,レイの白人だけでなく,フィンの黒人(さらに元トルーパー),ポーのアラブ系,(Episode8のローズのアジア系)など,人種に多様性がある。ちなみにEpisode4の頃から人種差別としての批判はなされており,続くEpisode5ではLando Calrissianが登場している。だが,東洋経済オンラインの記事にもあるようにすでに多様性は確立されていることが指摘されている。



 I watched the rest of "Star Wars Episode6 the return to the Jedi". The last scene had changed; for instance, the Darth Vader was Heiden Christensen, and in the scene celebrating the ending of the war, Nabu and other nations appeared.
 In the evening, I started watching "Star Wars Episode7, The Force Awakens". Since we continuity watched the movies, as it was pointed out, we could feel the trend as to the era, especially the diversity.

 Until Episode6, while the main characters were the white race(Luke, Leia, Solo), the main characters of Episode7-9 were so diversify; Lay(White), Fin(Black, and ex-Trooper), Po(Arab), (and Rose in Episode8 is Asian). By the way, in Episode4, the same type of criticism occurred as to discrimination, so they said Lando Calrissian come up from Episode5.

 However, as the article in TOYOKEIZAI online said, there has been diversity since Episode4. This article also said the resistance consists of so many creatures such as Admiral Gial Ackbar and Nien Nunb et al. On the other hand, the Galactic Empire and First Order have a uniform; Troopers were in white, Guards in red, and pilots and administrators in black. Until Epsode6, Troopers were clone( from Epsode7, First-order Kidnapped and brainwashed the people.

 We played tennis in front of my house, so the neighbour's kid on the other side came and played together. We played tennis, but we soon changed hockey(the kid's father taught his son and my son hockey).