HRM(人的資源管理)研究者の Oxford 滞在記(2020-2022)


DAY325 [渡英300日] 2021年2月19日(金):調査票監修部分のチェック終了,色々手続き,認知的不協和



Nishii, L. H. (2013). The benefits of climate for inclusion for gender-diverse groups. Academy of Management Journal, 56(6), 1754-1774.





*注:Benesseのこどもちゃれんじ すてっぷ に掲載されたキャラクター。息子はこのキャラクターが好きで,この話をすると野菜を食べる。


 I woke up at 2:30 am to check the questionnaire, whose deadline is today, and emailed it to them. Since I had added Nishii(2013) the short version of Climate for Inclusion, I was looking forward to using it.

 After the end, I sent emails. First, I asked my relatives in Japan to extend the forwarding of mail. I informed the university office that you will receive an identification email to renew my tenancy agreement. Also, I emailed the HRM study group of Keio University to absence from the meeting in March.

 Because my son got up at around 6, he had a bad mood from the morning. In the evening, he ate every supper a little but continued to eat snacks, so I told him, "if you eat snacks or juice, red, yellow, and blue members in your body will be decreased"*.
He worried about the trade-off: he wanted to eat snacks or juice but didn't want to be decreased the Immune power, that is, red, yellow, and blue members. (maybe he was tired too) After crying and crying, he led the conclusion, "I will eat a lot tomorrow to recover the number of red, yellow, and blue members" thus, he solved his cognitive dissonance.

*Note: Characters listed in the book of Benesse's Children's Challenge Step.

My son likes these characters, and when we talk about them, he eats vegetables.
Red = T cell (T cell) → effect on heat
Yellow = neutrophil → effect on cough
Blue = B cell (B lymphocyte) → effect on runny nose