HRM(人的資源管理)研究者の Oxford 滞在記(2020-2022)


DAY290 [渡英266日] 2021年1月15日(金):息子の友達と公園で会う,Wonder Woman 1984

 息子のホームスクーリングを行うために自宅にあるものを集めてPEを行う。午後はOxford University parkに行こうとしたが,想定外の長距離のため断念する。代わりにTaylarまで行ってクッキーを購入して引き返す。途中の公園で息子の小学校の友達と母親と出会って立ち話。息子は友達と遊ぶが,この友達が同学年にもかかわらずとてもやさしい子で,息子が(たぶん行ったことのない)丸太の遊具の上り方や降り方について丁寧に教えてくれて,危ないと思われる場所にはちゃんと足を支えたりしていた。


Oxford University Language Centre (閉鎖中)

 結構,立ち話をしていたせいか,身体が冷えてしまい,息子はお風呂に入り,我々は食事を作る気力を奪われ,またもやDeliberooに頼り,Mamma Miaのピザを注文。待っている間にお風呂から上がった息子はお夕寝。我々ですら9000歩前後歩いたので,公園で走り回っていた息子は12000歩程度は歩いているはず。


Mamma miaのデリバリー


Mamma Miaのデリバリー2

 amazon ukでWonder Woman 1984のレンタルをしていたので観始めた。あまり時間はないのだけど,ちょっと疲れていたので気分転換。前回の男性主人公が復活しているのはtrailerで知っていたけど,どのように復活するのか理解できた。スミソニアン博物館に勤務していることになっているけど,一体何年勤務しているのよ,『バットマン vs スーパーマン ジャスティスの誕生』の頃でも博物館勤務じゃなかったっけ?博物館の人とか何歳だろう?とか,人事部門(給与担当)とかおかしいと思わないのだろうか。

Watch Wonder Woman 1984 | Prime Video



 Preparing for my son's homeschooling, I collected materials and did PE.  Though we planned to go to the Oxford University park in the afternoon, it took time to go there, so we gave up going there. Instead, we bought cookies at the Taylors cafe and went to the park near Jericho street. We met my son's friend and his mom at the park and talked about. My son played with a friend, who was mature for his age, and gentle. He taught my son how to clime and decent the
playground equipment and supported him.
 According to her, she originally came from Russia, but her English was so fluent. Her son was so calm that I could easily see them.
Because of a long talk, we felt cold; my son took a bath after going home. Then we ordered the delivery since we had no power to cook. We ordered pizza at Mamma Mia, but during waiting for the delivery, my son slept. As to walking around 9000 steps for me, my son might walk around 12000 steps.

 In the amazon UK, I rent "Wonderwoman 1984". Though I only watched for one hour, I had a good opportunity to change the mood. I knew the guy appeared again, seeing the trailer, but I didn't know how to revive him. Anyway, Diana has worked at the Smithsonian museum, but how long has she worked? In "Batman vs Superman" she has worked at the museum. I wonder colleagues, especially human resource section, will suspect how old she is. Gal Gardot came from Israel, and have experienced working at the military, so she once caused the dispute about the attack of Israel. However, she is one of a favourite actress. Let's watch the rest tomorrow.