HRM(人的資源管理)研究者の Oxford 滞在記(2020-2022)


DAY153 [渡英132日] 2020年8月31日(月)Babysitter#15,OUNCのconversation, bank holiday


 今日はBank holiday(=英国の祝日)ということで油断していたが,OUNCの英会話はあったのだった。14時から会話を開始し,私を含めて6名が参加。会話は,参加者の一人が教師であるということから「体罰(corporal punishment)と教育」について。日本についての意見を求められたが,昔は体罰があったものの,今は親からのクレームも多く,そうしたことがすぐに問題になるため少なくなっていると述べた(つもり)。会話が終わると家の前で息子とおもちゃのテニスをして遊んで一日が終わる。こうして8月も終了。


 There came the babysitter. They built one of LEGO, which was delivered yesterday; after constructed a clean, they went to the park and played with a Japanese boy. They came back home at 11 am with the Japanese boy and mother. My son wanted to show the LEGO they built, but they refused and went home to enter our house not to disturb our work. However, that made my son have a tantrum. Though we understand why my son invited them to our house, he cannot think of others.

 Because of bank holidays (= British holidays), I almost forgot OUNC conversation. The conversation started at 14:00, and six people, including myself, participated. The content of the discussion was corporal punishment and education because one of the participants is a teacher. I explained the physical punishment of Japan. I explained that in the past, there was corporal punishment, but now because parents easy to accuse teachers, teachers don't do that. After the conversation, my son and I played tennis in front of our house. This is the end of August.