HRM(人的資源管理)研究者の Oxford 滞在記(2020-2022)


DAY200 [渡英178日] 2020年10月17日(土)車でCutteslowe and Sunnymead Parkへ

 午前中に家族三人で車でCutteslowe and Sunnymead Parkへ。初めて家族を乗せての車なのでかなり緊張。学会発表より緊張したかもしれない。roundaboutで入ってから信号待ちをするのを勘違いして入り口でしばらく待ってしまったが,無事に通過。ただ,実際にパークにつくとサッカーの試合なのか,駐車場が満車で難儀する。結局,困っているところにちょうど帰る人が場所を譲ってくれたので,停車することができた。Parkではこれと言ってすることはなかったが,広い遊具場で遊んで帰ってきた。しかし,いざ帰る段階になって息子がぐずりだし,かなり手間取る。


 In the morning, we went to Cutteslowe and Sunnymead Park by car. This was the first time we family went there by car, so I was nervous, compare than an academic presentation.

 Though I misunderstood a place to wait for the signal at a roundabout, I passed safety. However, there were so many people in the park and cannot park my car. In the end, a person gave way the place to park my car. After he played at the large playground, we went home. But, at that time, because of my son having a tantrum, it took time to go back to the car.

 He might be tired; After going home, my son had a nap. During his sleeping, the friends of my son visited our house to play in the park, and we told them to go there after he woke up. My son waking up after 40minutes, we went to the park and played with them.

 In the evening, my son started to make a new LEGO series about Harry Potter.