HRM(人的資源管理)研究者の Oxford 滞在記(2020-2022)


DAY273 [渡英249日] 2020年12月29日(火):小学校の開始は従来通り,Dosa Park(カレー)注文

 Michael Gove大臣によると小学校とyear11 and 13,それとコアワーカーは4日から戻ることが出来る模様(但し,息子の小学校は5日から)。



 気分転換に食事を頼むことになり,DeliverooでDosa Parkのカレー(Chicken curry, Chicken curma, Chicken Madras, Chicken Fried Rice, Tandori Chicken Tikka ans so on)を注文。我が家はだんだん夕食の時間が早くなり,17:00~17:30に食事をするため,その時間から宅配してくれるお店が限られてしまう。今日はサイードビジネススクール前にあるDosa Parkのカレーを注文するが,妻と息子にはこの辛さが合わないため,ほとんど食べられなかった。同じメニュー(Chicken curry, Chicken curma)でもお店によってここまで変わるのかと痛感。こちらはかなりシャバシャバしている。


Dosa Park Oxford。辛い(らしい)が,私は許容範囲。

 According to Minister Michael Gove, primary school and year11 and year13, core workers will be back from 4th in January.
In the morning, I set up the treatise's style and reference list to prepare for the call for paper.
 Though we planned to play outside in the afternoon, it rained during I persuaded my son to go outside, and we gave up going outside. It gets dark at 16:30, so we played inside our house. In the evening, we had ordered the Deliveroo, Dosa Park; this was an Indian Restaurant. The time for dinner is getting faster than before, so we sometimes take dinner around 17:00. That's why the number of restaurants was limited.
My wife and my son hardly eat them because these were so much spicy. Even the same menu, the taste were so different, this time the curries were so watery like soup curry.