DAY299 [渡英275日] 2021年1月24日(日):Oxfordでの積雪
It had much snow in Oxford, so my son was excited. It stopped snow around 10 am, and we went to the park to meet my son's friend at 10:15.
When we went out, I borrowed a sledge from my neighbour. At that time, the neighbour in front of my house came out and made a snowman. Then, we met with my son's friend at common land. My son and his friend threw snowballs to me and made snowmen. After lunch, another neighbour came to knock the door, then played with them. My wife and I were so tired, but my son enjoyed the playdate.
Besides, we could talk about many things like education for their kids and the confirmed case of COVID-19 in Oxford with taking a social distance. He said that there had increased the number of confirmed COVID-19, even the nursery.