HRM(人的資源管理)研究者の Oxford 滞在記(2020-2022)


DAY219 [渡英196日] 2020年11月5日(木)セカンドロックダウン初日,Guy Fawkes Day

 今日は,「Guy」の語源ともなったGuy Fawkes Dayで各地で花火が打ちあがる。もともとは1605年に起きた火薬陰謀未遂事件が転じて花火を打ち上げる催し物になった模様。メーリングリストでAlexandra palaceで行われるGuy Fawkes Nightが,COVIDの影響でオンラインで行われるというので,18:00からリアルタイムで視聴(今もその映像が見られます;こちら)。この花火の中継中にも何度か出てきたが,donationの概念が日本と違う。donationがすごく自然なこととして行われている。先日もOxford University National Histrical Museumに行った際にも「無料でラッキー」ではなく,「見せてくれてありがとう」の感覚で寄付をする人が多い。滞在中はもちろんだが,帰国したら無理のない範囲でdonationをしようと思う。



 There was a first day of the second lockdown in the UK; however, nothing changed excepting the rate of wearing a mask. I think maybe around thirty or forty per cent of parent wore a mask, including our teacher. After sending my son to school, I worked at home.
 Today was the Guy Fawkes Day, and the word "guy" named after his name. Today, there were fireworks in each area in the UK. The case was famous for the Gunpowder Plot, which Guy Fawkes and their companions planned to kill the Royal family in 1605. I knew the fireworks event at Alexandra palace from a mailing list. Due to the COVID, they plan to do online, so we watched them from 18:00( we can see the movie from here). Though during the broadcast, I saw calling for the donation several times, I felt the differences in the donation between the UK and Japan. Contribution to something such as natural, animals, museum and so on are natural behaviour.
 On the other day, I saw a person donate at Oxford University National Historical Museum. Maybe they felt not "lucky for showing free", but "thank you for showing". Of course, during a stay in the UK, after going back to Japan, I will donate as much as I can.

 In the evening, my wife went out with my son to play my son's friend and his sister at the park. According to my wife, my son escorted his sister and considered various things which his sister was able to want to do. I felt happy to hear the news.

 My article to the Japan Management Association has been uploaded on the web. I have to finish this article into a journal and apply it or make it a book chapter. There will be many things to do.