HRM(人的資源管理)研究者の Oxford 滞在記(2020-2022)


DAY298 [渡英274日] 2021年1月23日(土):ネット不調,LEGO「ハリーポッター 夜の騎士バス」


息子が数日かけて完成させたLEGO,『ハリーポッター 夜の騎士バス』が完成。完全にうちの一角がHarry Potter Worldになっている。息子とテニスをするもののあまりの寒さに早々に退散。代わりに夕方に近所の公園に散歩。ただし,人が多いため,グランドをゆっくりと2周歩いて帰宅。色々な知識や読んだ本のタイトルを披露してくれる息子を褒めると,「僕,もっと勉強する」といって50音を書き始めた。明日は50音の中でも苦手なものを中心に練習するらしい。
 夕食後,昨日の『宇宙戦艦ヤマト 追憶の航海』の続きを観て就寝。これはリメイク版でヤマトがイスカンダルへ行き,コスモリバースを受け取って地球に帰還するまでの話。単行本で読んでいたけど,途中,知らない(覚えていない)話が盛り込まれていた。



我が家の一角がHarry Potter Worldになった。

 Though I woke up at 3 am, the internet connection didn't work, so I used the tethering. I didn't understand why the internet didn't work. But the wifi recovered at 6:30 am, it may need to change wifi.
 In the morning, to have a coffee chat with my pair via zoom, I set up the zoom, and email him. Then I helped my son to make lego, "Harry Potter, the Knight Bus". There was a Harry Potter World at the corner of my house. Then, I played tennis with my son, but it was too cold to play.
 Instead of playing tennis, we went for a walk to the park. Walking with me, my son showed so much knowledge and taught the titles he had read, and so, I praise and motivate him to study more. He told me "I want to study more", and start writing Japanese letters after going home. He will practise the letters which are not good at for him tomorrow.

 After eating dinner, we watched the rest part of "the Space Battleship Yamato". This is the remake version telling the story that Yamato goes to Iscandar and receives the cosmo reverse system. Then Yamato goes to the earth. Knowing the story by comics, in some part, I didn't know (or remember) the detailed story.