DAY172 [渡英151日] 2020年9月19日(土)Oxford University Parkで日本人夫婦と待ち合わせ→The Anchorでランチ
今日は,ほぼ同じタイミングでOxfordにやってきた日本人夫婦とOxford University Parkで待ち合わせて散歩。息子も日本人の友達がいるととても嬉しそうで,駆け足やかくれんぼ,池のカモに餌をあげるなどをして過ごす。Parkが広いので,行き帰りの往復を含めるとそれだけで1万歩を超える。息子は往復は自転車とはいえ,それでも8000歩近く歩いていることだろう。
90分ほど遊んだ後,久しぶりにThe Anchorへ行ってランチ。残念ながら注文しようと思っていたシーザーサラダが売り切れで我々はFish and Chips,Hamburger,Eaton Messを注文。食事後は,たまたまテレビでやっていた美女と野獣(エマワトソン)を鑑賞し,就寝。
Today, we met a Japanese couple at Oxford University Park and took a walkabout for ninety minutes. They came to Oxford almost the same period with us. My son was happy to play with a boy. He spent his time running, hide and seek, and feeding ducks in the pond with a boy. Because there was an enormous park, I walked over 10,000 steps. Thought my son drove a bicycle, maybe he walked over 8,000 steps.
After playing in the park, we went to The Anchor to have lunch. Unfortunately, a Ceaser-salad sold out, so we ordered a fish and chips, a hamburger, and Eaton Mess. I didn't know whether the Sheff changed or not, but a taste changed, I felt.
Coming back home, we watched the beauty and the beast (Emma Watson version) on TV and went to bed.