HRM(人的資源管理)研究者の Oxford 滞在記(2020-2022)


DAY231 [渡英208日] 2020年11月17日(火):息子のself-isolation 2日目



 院生のリバイズペーパーも上がってきたので確認しないとだし,strategic human capitalの実証研究でどのような尺度が用いられているのかも確認しないといけない。細々とやることが多い。



 Today is the second day of self-isolation of my son. Starting kid yoga, he did maths, reading books, and practising characters.  
Yet, the primary school still struggle setting the materials up, so there came emails such as checking an attendance, passcode and so on from primary school. I also arranged the materials for my son practising the letters. Though he exercised in the garden, I wonder he could bear for 14 days.

 I will check the revised paper, which my doctoral student wrote and measurement about strategic human capital on empirical research. These are small things for each one, but it will take time.

 I had an opportunity to think of diversity. Basically, the notion of diversity means that we receive an individual as it is. On the other hand, we will educate them if they didn't fill with some kinds of quality. If we educate them, diversity will be lost. For instance, so many companies had Off the Job Training to teach business manners to newcomers. In that case, we think of diversity as based on the premise of standard. When "what is natural for me are not for others", I am not sure that it should be better to correct them or educate.