HRM(人的資源管理)研究者の Oxford 滞在記(2020-2022)


DAY225 [渡英202日] 2020年11月11日(水)flu vaccination 海外にいるときの年末調整








 午前中は,flu vaccinationをするために近所の薬局に行く。英国では病院ではなく,近所の薬局でも注射ができる。が,今は売り切れで月曜日に入荷予定になるから,多分月曜日の午前中ならよいということで空振り。病院によっては高齢者や医療関係者優先となっていたが,この薬局は早い者勝ち。月曜日に電話した時にはいつでもどうぞ,ということだったので安心していたら売り切れだった。とはいえ,予約もできないし来週の月曜日に行っても,まだ届いていない可能性もあるし,品切の場合もある。結局,行ったり来たりしないといけない点で非効率なことが多いのが英国の生活だと感じつつある今日この頃。

 I received an email from the university about the end year tax adjustment. Though I worked for this procedure, the system changed this year on the web site, and it took so much time because we changed a home address from Japan to in the UK. What address should I write in the application? A foreign address?, an address in Fukuoka? or an address in Tokyo? When I had worked in the company as the HR section, one of my tasks is a procedure of seconded person, but I hadn't dealt with ex-pat. So it has been a weak point for me.

 In the morning, we went to a local pharmacy to take a flu vaccination. In the UK, we can take a flu vaccination not only a hospital but also a pharmacy nearby. However, they said the flu vaccination is sold out so it will be in stock on Monday. So maybe we will have the flu vaccination.

 Basically, flu vaccination gives priority for the old and core workers. But this pharmacy is first come, first served. I was told to come whenever we have time, but it was sold out. This pharmacy can't make a reservation, and even if I go next Monday, it may not have arrived yet, or it has a possibility of being out of stock. After all, I started to feel that life in the UK is often inefficient in that I have to go back and forth.