HRM(人的資源管理)研究者の Oxford 滞在記(2020-2022)


DAY232 [渡英209日] 2020年11月18日(水):息子のself-isolation 3日目


 There was the third day of self-isolation of my son. He got up at before 6:00 am, so I couldn't help stopping my work. After uploading my blog, I had just started reading an academic article.  Eating breakfast with my son at 6:30, we started studying.
Though I tried to do the activities which the primary school planned to do, he doesn't have motivated entirely, that's I think because of getting up early or being tired of activities. Also, PE doing with my son was too much exercise for me. How many times did my flanks and my legs being about to cramping?

 I had finished the registration of an academic conference.