HRM(人的資源管理)研究者の Oxford 滞在記(2020-2022)


DAY230 [渡英207日] 2020年11月16日(月):息子のself-isolation 1日目








 This was the first day of self-isolation of my son. In the morning, there came so much attached files via mail.  First, we had to answer the question which teachers asked kids to substitute for attendance of the class by 9:30. Besides, the kid should have exercises and study by each day, and upload by the evening. However, there were so many links such as youtube and educational sites, so we had confused because of so much information at a time.
 We planned to read both Japanese and English books, and often to watch Netflix or youtube. Though we slightly expected to do our tasks during a self-isolation, it was in vain. Thinking of his age, he was so young that he couldn't control a tablet by himself, so almost all tasked was not able to perform without a parent.

    On the other hand, because, PE, crafting, reading stories, and maths were related to each other, so I felt these were well organised.


 There was a contact from the professor of Hitotsubashi University so that we will discuss near future at zoom. I received his paper about human resource accounting using PRR(Playersʼ Registration Rights). Since this year my article about J1 league had published, it was inspiring. I understood the differences between accounting and HRM about human capital.