HRM(人的資源管理)研究者の Oxford 滞在記(2020-2022)


DAY223 [渡英200日] 2020年11月9日(月)microsoft teamsの設定に悪戦苦闘




 From the morning, I struggled with setting MS teams up. It was easy for setting up itself, but there didn't show a schedule tab on the left side of the screen, that meant I couldn't schedule when I planned to interview. I knew exactly the free version didn't have this function, but I used the enterprise version. That is a mystery, so after challenging for setting for three hours, I gave up setting and send email to an information system section. There were many things to do.


 It turned out the next day, I misunderstood the account which activated teams. I could show the schedule tab. Please give me back three hours.