HRM(人的資源管理)研究者の Oxford 滞在記(2020-2022)


DAY222 [渡英199日] 2020年11月8日(日)Portmeadowを通り抜けてwolvercote sunday marketに

 昨日出会ったお母さんとwhatsapp(日本でいうLINE)を交換してwolvercort sunday marketを教えてもらう。ここは自宅からPortmeadowを抜けてある通りにあるマーケットで,我々も行ってみることにした。


冬のPort Meadow3_粘土質の土で歩きづらい場所が多々ある


ご参考:夏のPort meadow(牛が常にいるわけではありません)




Wolvercote Sunday Market


Wolvercote Sunday Market, COVIDでone way。奥にパン屋さんと飲食スペースあり。

 しかし,昨日話したお友達夫婦とも出会うことができてportmeadowで凧揚げをしたり,公園で遊んで時間を過ごすことができた。しかも途中,家の軒先でplease help yourself(ご自由にお取りください)というチャリティーを陳列しているお母さんは,我々の学年のPTA代表だった。お母さん同士は,これまで会話をしていたようだが,まさか自分の娘と同じ小学校で同じクラスだとは思いもよらなかったようだ。帰りは運河沿いに歩いて帰宅。13000歩なり。
 帰宅後はご飯を炊いて,息子の宿題を一緒にして成果物を写真で撮影して専用のサイトにアップする。夕食は,デリバリーで中華(Fusion house)を注文。疲れて写真撮り忘れた…。




 We knew Wolvercote Sunday Market from the woman we met yesterday by WhatsApp(same as LINE in Japan). We can go there if we go through the Portmeadow from our house, so we tried to go there. However, Portmeadow in winter, it was so different from in summer.

 There was a so clay and muddy area. To walk through the area, we had to walk on the muddy and slippery wooden roads and stones.  Besides, I finally arrived at the market after walking about 50 minutes to walk with wondering mountain road. My son firstly started powerfully to go to the road, but gradually he got tired and got the bicycle off in the second half.

 I thought maybe it took only 30 minutes to walk, but it was much harder to arrive. At the time we had arrived, there were only a few items in the market. Also, because there was under Lockdown, the cafe beside the market dealt with the only takeaway, so it was lonely.
 However, we met a couple we talked about yesterday, and my son and her daughter having a playdate, they did a kite in the port meadow and played in the park. Also on the way to go to the park, we met a mother who was the representatives of PTA of our grade. It was a small world. On the way back, we walked along the canal, totally, we walked 13,000 steps.