HRM(人的資源管理)研究者の Oxford 滞在記(2020-2022)


DAY224 [渡英201日] 2020年11月10日(火)息子の友達が息子に絵をくれたこと

 息子が学校の間,仕事やメールをしていたので夕方,息子と少しだけ散歩する。月曜日も火曜日もstay at homeの日。


 On the way to going to primary school with my son in the morning, we met my son's friend and her mother. My son's friend gave my son a drawing. Even though he was the same age as my son, he drew the picture very well. However, the most important and glad thing for me is that my son build a relationship with friends to give a drawing.

 Also, after back home, he said that he got the point which had been given to people who could make an effort. When I uploaded his homework on the web site, maybe I think of COVID-19 measure, I felt the generation gap.
 During my son going to school, I worked at home, so in the evening, I took a walk with my son. Both Monday and Tuesday were staying at home days.