HRM(人的資源管理)研究者の Oxford 滞在記(2020-2022)


DAY194 [渡英172日] 2020年10月11日(日)サマータウンへ買い物



 Donate, M. J., Pena, I., & Sanchez de Pablo, J. D. (2016). HRM practices for human and social capital development: effects on innovation capabilities. The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 27(9), 928-953.



 In the morning, we went to Summer Town to go shopping. Preparing for winter, I bought boots for my son. It was already noon because it took time to buy clothes and food, and lunch.


  However, on the way to home, my son found a best friend at the park, he went to the park to play, not to go home. After all, my wife went home since she had fresh food, and I stayed in the park with my son. In the park, I told the mother of my son's friend, and I found that the kid often talked about my son at home. It was a good opportunity to talk to each other.


   However, maybe because my son was tired, he never heard that we said. Even if I went to cut the IVY in the backyard, he didn't participate much and started running to home immediately. As a result, he went to bed before 20:00.