HRM(人的資源管理)研究者の Oxford 滞在記(2020-2022)


DAY195 [渡英173日] 2020年10月12日(月)refreshers course

 今週は午前中の勉強はお休みして車の運転の練習。それまでに時間が空いているので,色々な仕事がはかどる。14:00に教習車が迎えに来て定番の練習場に行く。それまではインストラクターが運転してくれるが,定番の場所になると場所を交代して運転。最初に左折,右折を練習するが,とても重要なのはGive wayの概念。特に2重点線は先方優先だから一旦停止が必要。それに対して一重点線は,車や歩行者,サイクリストがいなければ明確に一時停止する必要がない。ここが日本人で追突事故が多発する原因らしい。
 次に縦列駐車(paralell parking)の練習。①止めたい場所の前にある車と並列になり,②自分のミラーが相手の車のドアハンドルあたりになったらハンドルを思いきり切る,③後部の先端が縁石に近くなった段階でハンドルをまっすぐに戻す。



 I took a break from studying on this week, instead, I took a refreshers course about driving. It had time before a lesson, so I did various tasks. The training car came in front of my house at 14:00. 20 minutes later, We changed the position and I drove the car. I practised turn left and right, but I felt the GIVE WAY was most important for me. Especially double solid lines mean stop, and priority on the right side. On the other hand, single solid line means be careful before the turn. This seems to be the cause of frequent rear-end collisions among Japanese people.

 Next, I practised parallel parking.
1. position in parallel with a car in front of the place to stop

2. When a mirror is near the door handle of the other car, take the steering wheel as much as you can,

3. Return the handle straight when the tip of the rear part is close to the curb.
Refer to this site for how to put it in the garage.

 Finally, I practised a high way. Though there was no problem after entering the high way, the roundabout was still a problem. Intuitively, I'm still not used to it.