HRM(人的資源管理)研究者の Oxford 滞在記(2020-2022)


DAY173 [渡英152日] 2020年9月20日(日)summer townへの買い物。zoomでの食事会

 11時からzoomを使って日本の家族と食事会を行うため summer townに買い物に行く。summer townはちょうど日曜日ということもあり,小さなマーケットが展開されており,マーケットではパイ,M&Sでその他の食料品を購入して帰宅。11時からzoom(日本時間19時)で食事会。息子は嬉しそうなのだが,一方で恥ずかしいのかあまり話さない。それにしても落ち着きがない。

 13時頃にzoom食事会がお開きになると今度は夕方にお向かいの子供の一人が自宅をノックして共有地で遊ぶことになる。1時間ほどで切り上げて家の庭でピクニックもどきの夕食。 Amazing Spiderman2を観始めるが,片付けなどできちんと観られず。息子が微熱と鼻水の症状あり。昨日遊んだ子供も,お向かいの子供も鼻水が出ていたし,それとも庭で食事をしたからだろうか?明日学校に行けるだろうか?


 We went to shopping at Summer Town to have lunch with our family in Japan from 11 am using zoom. The Summer Town had a small market on Sunday, and we bought pies and other fish, and other food at M&S.

 A lunch party began at 11 am (but in Japan at 7 pm). My son looked happy, but on the other hand, he embarrassed them to speak. Anyway, he was restless.

 After finishing the lunch party around 1 pm, the neighbor came to our house and asked him out the commonplace. After we played for one hour, we went home and took a supper in our garden. We started watching Amazing Spiderman2, but I couldn't watch it because I tidy toys up and to clean up dishes. My son has a slight fever and a runny nose. Is it because the child who played yesterday and the child on the other side had a runny nose or ate in the garden? Can he go to school tomorrow?