HRM(人的資源管理)研究者の Oxford 滞在記(2020-2022)


DAY249 [渡英226日] 2020年12月5日(土):日本労務学会の関東部会,クリスマスツリーの飾りつけ,The Anchor


地方部会 日本労務学会



我が家のChristmas Tree

 お昼は久しぶりにThe Anchorに赴く。ツリーの飾りつけで疲れたので,IPAを飲んで一休み。午後は,お向かいの子供と息子が外で遊ぶ。夕方,一緒に宿題をしてnumberblocksの絵を描く。何も教えているわけではないのだが,何も見ないでトナカイのそりに乗る空飛ぶサンタと星・雪,それと自宅を含めた家々を描いていた。



The AnchorでIPA

  Although I applied to Kanto subcommittee of JSHRM on the website, I didn't receive the address of zoom so couldn't participate. Did I mistake the procedure? I was wary because the system uses Peatix. Maybe there exist in the spam folder.

 In the morning, we put the Christmas tree inside our house and decorated it. Though it took time to set the star upon the top of the tree, I could do it. When my wife put the Christmas presents for my son under the tree, he had started to cry because he had wanted to open them at that time. My wife intended to educate a Christmas custom, but it was easy to anticipate the situation( why she did it!)


 At noon, we went to the Anchor to have lunch. After finishing decorating the Christmas tree, so I drunk an IPA to take a rest. In the afternoon, my son played with the kid who lived on the other side. In the evening, my son finished homework with me and drawn the Numberblocks. Though we didn't teach anything, he drew a flying Santa clause riding a reindeer sleigh without seeing anything, and the stars, snow, and the houses including my home.